Tapewound experiment coming soon...


Supporting Member
Jul 8, 2004
Fort Collins, Colorado
This bass is a one-of-a-kind given to me by my family as a totally unexpected gift. It's a modified Gretsch Electromatic with TV Jones ThunderTron pickups and upgraded tuners added.

I need to play it in an alumni-related event in a few weeks, but the G and D strings are sounding too bright, and even a bit tinny. Surprising, because they're my favorite Labella Deep Talkin' flats. I decided to try tapewounds on it, as I am sure they'll be a bit more mellow sounding. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of short scale tapewounds out there, and the Labellas aren't available on short notice.

So this week I'll install some D'Addario tapewounds on it. I'll let you folks know the result.

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Hey @Gorn , I can report a good result. The tapewounds have indeed mellowed out the sound a bit. I also double-checked settings and raised the D string a tiny bit, which made the sound more even. I was traveling for 12 days, so the strings have had a little time to stretch out and settle in. I'll be playing it with the tapewounds. I'm actually surprised they didn't make more difference in sound - I may want to use these on some other basses as well.
Hey @Gorn , I can report a good result. The tapewounds have indeed mellowed out the sound a bit. I also double-checked settings and raised the D string a tiny bit, which made the sound more even. I was traveling for 12 days, so the strings have had a little time to stretch out and settle in. I'll be playing it with the tapewounds. I'm actually surprised they didn't make more difference in sound - I may want to use these on some other basses as well.
Follow up?
Tape wounds? Yes! These showed up yesterday from bassstribgsonline Labella copper white tapes so far not only the best tapes I've played there the best strings I've used. Low mid awesomeness focused tight. Tension really close to white tapes a smidgen taughter which made me happy cuz I got my low low clean action I'm a custom to. Looking forward to your impressionsite on tapes.


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