TB-inspired headstock decals

Nov 10, 2019
Rhode Island
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Anyone Know the True Origin of "Carrots"?
...and basically tort (tortoise pickguards) are constantly coming up in the forums... usually from pro-tort advocates. :D Tort is a cure-all for every problem your bass could have, in fact.
Honestly, I think the tort haters are far more obsessed with hating tort than the tort lovers are about loving it. You rarely see negativity toward the haters from the lovers but there's PLENTY of negativity from the haters. ;)

is it this?

Good lord, that looks delicious.
Wow, that sure does! :D
Honestly, I think the tort haters are far more obsessed with hating tort than the tort lovers are about loving it. You rarely see negativity toward the haters from the lovers but there's PLENTY of negativity from the haters. ;)
I don't put myself in either camp but I do think that it looks way better on some basses than others. I've seen a few that made me shudder. :eek:
I don't put myself in either camp but I do think that it looks way better on some basses than others. I've seen a few that made me shudder. :eek:
I'm one of the bigger tort lovers around here and I definitely agree with that statement. It's kind of like nice lingerie. When it looks good, it looks GOOOOOD! But it would NOT look good on everyone (me, for instance!). :D
Yea. I'm a DB'er. They don't let me out much.


(FWIW, this thread started in TB/DB and has been moved to TB/BG.)

How about this: I have one mandolin with an ebony pickguard, one with a tort pickguard, three banjos with ivoroid pickguards and one with an acryllic pickguard. Does that count? (True, they're all elevated pickguards.)
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