I have been using my BH250 for about a month now, and am just getting used to the way it works. Here's my review. First off, you need the three button foot switch to use the Tone Print (in case you didn't know that already), and yes, you can only use one effect at a time, but I think TC Electrics has compensated for this by offering the 'combo effects' downloads. I'm running my BH250 into an Ampeg PF 115 HE cab, which is 8 ohms, so I'm getting about 160 watts of power out of it, which is more than enough for practice and the small venues I usually play in. The settings are, as usual, personal preference. It has a 'warmer' sound compared to my Ampeg SVT 7 Pro head, or the GK MB 250 I was using before. I am starting to get used to the built in tuner, it's pretty accurate. And here's a foot note : the Tone Print circuitry, because it can have the different apps (?) 'beamed' to it wirelessly, will experience interference if used anywhere near a wireless router for say a PA with a wireless tablet! All in all, I am liking this little amp; very easy to carry around; the Tone Print is pretty good - better than a pedal board once you find your sound!