Not really an apples to apples comparison between your choices of TC and Rumble, IMO.
I assume you are talking combos for th TC?
The Rumble is 100 watts and a single 12 vs the TC 12" at 250 watts, not to mention the 2x10 at 250 watts.
That being said, I'd put my money on the Rumble 100 anyway. In part due to the Fender "watts" vs Berhinger "watts."
I think a more fair comparison would be the TC 250, any flavor against a Runble 200 combo or your choice of cab/ head to get more of the same configuration as any if the TCs.
The tone print feature on the TC is a nice feature as long as it's supported.
I get all of that which I need with an outboard mult-effects pedal, that stays regardless of amps. It's cool to be able to dial in a simulation of the sound of your favorite artist, but that doesn't mean it would make me sound like him or her.
BTW. My pedal has a Jack Bruce setting. Somehow, and for reasons I can't imagine, I've neither heard from Ginger or Eric about playing with them. LOL. (Eric can piss off anyway.)
If you can play the TCs side by side with the Rumbles, that would be the ideal situation for you to make a decision.
Otherwise, pound for pound, it is Rumble in my coloring book. But, as you've most likely guessed by now, I'm as biased as Super Bassmen.
Good luck on your quest.[/QUOT