TC Electronic Hall Of Fame or HOF Mini?

Hey guys I'm in the market for reverb on the cheap. I'm looking at getting either a used Hall Of Fame or a used HOF Mini. The difference the full size pedal is $95.00 and the Mini is $65.00.

I only need this for one part of a song where I play chords and the drummer is playing a laid back beat, no guitar.

What do you guys think, can i get by with the mini or should I pony up with the extra $30 for the full size?
I think that your current needs will expand once you have a reverb pedal. The full sized HOF will allow you a lot more creativety, tweekability and control through the various types of verb. Where as the HOF mini will only allow you access to one tone print at a you'll need external control when ever you want a different reverb type. Also the HOF mini is mono and the full unit is stereo.
I think that your current needs will expand once you have a reverb pedal. The full sized HOF will allow you a lot more creativety, tweekability and control through the various types of verb. Where as the HOF mini will only allow you access to one tone print at a you'll need external control when ever you want a different reverb type. Also the HOF mini is mono and the full unit is stereo.

I tend to use effects very sparingly. Once i do find a setting I typically don't tweak a whole lot unless I'm unhappy with the sound. I don't think I to worried about stereo right now. Thanks for the info!

The mini will require a pwr supply while the regular version takes batteries if that's a concern.

I have a power supply so that should not be a problem. Another check for the mini.

It depends - do you want one reverb sound at a time on hand or do you need multiple?

I use the mini and am very happy but I don’t use much reverb

Right now it would only be for one song. I guess the main concern is quality of the reverb for bass.

I use the mini for fretless. The size of the pedal was the difference for me, on a board where space is at a premium.

Chris Minh Doky TonePrint “The Solitude” is perfect for me.

The tone print system is what got me thinking about these pedals. I have a SA Aftershock that has kind of the same thing going on but the SA reverb pedal was way more than i was looking to spend.

even smaller, I'm using a Joyo Space Verb. It sounds great. as much as I love TC reverbs and the toneprint system, for a bass, the Joyo works. The dials are small but not as small as the Bananana bass synth thing. I think the are around $50.

I will have to check out the Joyo reverb pedal.

THanks for all the info guys!
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I tend to use effects very sparingly. Once i do find a setting I typically don't tweak a whole lot unless I'm unhappy with the sound. I don't think I to worried about stereo right now. Thanks for the info!

I have a power supply so that should not be a problem. Another check for the mini.

Right now it would only be for one song. I guess the main concern is quality of the reverb for bass.

The tone print system is what got me thinking about these pedals. I have a SA Aftershock that has kind of the same thing going on but the SA reverb pedal was way more than i was looking to spend.

I will have to check out the Joyo reverb pedal.

THanks for all the info guys!

The reverbs on the HOf mini are the exact same as the reverbs on the HOF. Exact same. The only difference is that you only have 1 available at a time.
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I'll bump this thread for a couple of questions.
Is it possible to create your own toneprint (if there's nothing like this available in the toneprint list) in which you have both the reverb mix and tone fixed while you can adjust the decay using the knob? This would be a go-to reverb for a lot of people, I guess.
Is it possible to make the single phisical knob control more than one parameter? Let's say I want a very short non modulated reverb with low mix with the knob at 0% and a very long modulated reverb with the mix slightly higher with the knob at 100%?
Is it possible to load a delay/chorus/whatever toneprint into the HoF mini? I've had a Flashback delay a couple of years ago and I was able to load some crazy stuff into it. I can't remember if I was able to load toneprints from other TC pedals or just Flashback toneprints that sounded NOTHING like delay.
I'll bump this thread for a couple of questions.
Is it possible to create your own toneprint (if there's nothing like this available in the toneprint list) in which you have both the reverb mix and tone fixed while you can adjust the decay using the knob? This would be a go-to reverb for a lot of people, I guess.
Is it possible to make the single phisical knob control more than one parameter? Let's say I want a very short non modulated reverb with low mix with the knob at 0% and a very long modulated reverb with the mix slightly higher with the knob at 100%?
Is it possible to load a delay/chorus/whatever toneprint into the HoF mini? I've had a Flashback delay a couple of years ago and I was able to load some crazy stuff into it. I can't remember if I was able to load toneprints from other TC pedals or just Flashback toneprints that sounded NOTHING like delay.

So I ended up getting the Full size Hall of Fame. The Tone Print editor allows you to create your own tone prints. I have not messed with it much but from what I have read it pretty much lets you do whatever you want as far as reverb goes but I don't know about loading other styles of effects into it.

Here is the web site.

TONEPRINT EDITOR | Apps | Guitar | TC Electronic | Categories | MUSIC Group - TC Electronic
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Looking at the website description of the app, everything I mentioned should be possible except for loading non-reverb toneprints into the HoF. I'm not 100% sure about both things though, so if anyone knows more... please reply.
IIRC it's possible to control three parameters with the one knob of HOF mini. And, again if I recall correctly, it's possible to have two of them static.

[rant]I found the toneprint editor annoying and sandbagged.
Most of the toneprints have tons of empty space at the beginning of rotation, mostly kicking in half way and soon becoming too much, so you have to be real careful setting your tone.
When I decided to make my own toneprint I spent hours with my bass at home, tweaking and tweaking, trying to stuff all the stuff I'd use on the full size HOF, only to find out in the band context that there was too much of one thing and too little of other stuff and I'd have to spend another hour or so tweaking the damn thing. [/rant]
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I have the HOF mini.

The TonePrint that I built allows me to not only add more reverb, but I have the knob set up to increase the ‘size’ of the hall as I turn it up.

I have the knob control wetness, predelay and length of the tail.

Works great.

At its minimum, there’s a touch of predelay with a short tail. By the time I turn it all the way up, it sounds like I’m playing in a huge hall, with the predelay set over 100ms and a 3.5 second tail, with the mix soaking it.
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So basically you can control all the parameters you want like you do with some pedals (H9, Neunaber ecc.) using an expression pedal. But instead of going from A (heel) to B (toe), you go from 0% to 100% of the knob. That's your A and B positions, right?
I'd like to set it like this...
Knob on 0%: short reverb, bright, low mix, low modulation (or disabled, if possible)
Knob on 100%: long reverb, dark, high mix, moderate modulation
Using just one knob and a single Toneprint you could easily find your reverb for any situation.
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I'd like to set it like this...
Knob on 0%: short reverb, bright, low mix, low modulation (or disabled, if possible)
Knob on 100%: long reverb, dark, high mix, moderate modulation
Using just one knob and a single Toneprint you could easily find your reverb for any situation.
Played with my TonePrint on my HOF today with the beta editor. Everything you are looking for is possible, except changing the flavour of the tone. I took a screenshot of my settings in the mapping section.