TC HyperGravity Toneprints (20.08.2019)

Aug 5, 2019
Hello bass folks,

I'm trying to setup my HyperGravity Compressor from TC electronics with proper settings for bass guitar. Sadly there is no bass specific toneprint, as the SpectraComp is aimed for that market. The electronics are the same, but the HyperGravity has four instead of one knob. That's why I try to make the HyperGravity to work.

Luckily Le Basseur had a SpectraComp and made screenshots from all the editable Toneprints from TC. So I have something like a basis to work with. Many kudos for those!

To get a basic idea for the curves of attack and release time I also did screenshots of all the editable Toneprints from the HyperGravity.

Maybe they are helpful for some. Like having a SpectraComp and needing a guitar toneprint and such...

HyperGravity - Google Drive
Thanks for sharing! I think there is only one Toneprint for bass.

I've been using it for some years (when I bought it, the Spectracomp was not realeased yet) and it is the compressor I trust the most. However, I did my own setting in the computer, so I didn't care much for the Toneprints. Your files are for sure very helpful! I will use them for sure
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Thanks for sharing! I think there is only one Toneprint for bass.

I've been using it for some years (when I bought it, the Spectracomp was not realeased yet) and it is the compressor I trust the most. However, I did my own setting in the computer, so I didn't care much for the Toneprints. Your files are for sure very helpful! I will use them for sure
Could you make screenshots from your settings? It would help me a lot!
It was many months ago, a few years maybe, but I put the Rudy Szaro "Heaven & Hell" tone print on my hypergravity, designed to work on both fretted and fretless bass. Works perfectly. (I love a slow-ish attack so the attack knob is essential also the mix)
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I found some ways, to get the artist toneprints too. Those toneprints may be not 100% complete, because some of the artist toneprints use features not avaible by the normal toneprint editor. But you can use either the pdf documents or the SQL-statements (to import into the user toneprint database) to replicate those toneprints as close as we can get them.

In this google sheet can find every HyperGravity toneprint in one huge sheet:
HyperGravity Toneprints 20.08.2019

And I updated the share:
  • added the screenshots for the artist toneprints
  • those screenshots merged to pdfs
  • descriptions of the artist toneprints
  • all settings of the toneprints in sheets (three different file formats)
  • SQL-insert statements of the artist toneprints for the sql3lite table. That table is used for all user settings in the toneprint editor on windows.
Drive: HyperGravity - Google Drive
Finally I got the values for the 38 toneprints (07.09.2019) from the SpectraComp. I ported them manually to my HyperGravity. Then I used the DB Browser for SQLite to get the SQL Insert Statements and uploaded them to my drive to share them with you folks.

I bound the one knob of the SpectraComp toneprints to the Sustain-Knob of the HyperGravity. The other three knobs are not assigned in the ported toneprints.

Because of a bug in the toneprint editor, turn the knobs completely to the left as a workaround, when loading the imported toneprints. I saved them that way.
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As you can guess 38 toneprints are quite a lot and some are too extreme for daily use. That is why I search through the TC Spectra Comp thread and wrote down every toneprint with the user who suggested it. A user could suggest more than one toneprint. Some folks listed their personal top three. Others changed their minds later or prefer different toneprints for different uses.

  1. Captain East by Nathan East: 16
  2. SpectraComp Default by TC Electronic: 9
  3. ParallelComper by TC Electronic: 5
  4. Straight Up The Middle by Walter Barnes Jr.: 5
  5. Chordal Compressor by Janek Gwizdala: 4
  6. CompressLess by Melvin Lee Davis: 4
  7. ToneBooster by TC Electronic: 4
  8. Smooth & Funky by Philip Bynoe: 3
  9. Born Again Compressor by Nik West: 2
  10. Butter Knife by Andre “Dre” Bowman: 2
  11. 9901 Funk by Dammo Farmer: 1
  12. Comp Of Pik by Eric Smith: 1
  13. Fed Comp Federico Malaman: 1
  14. Muscle Comp by Johan Wohlert: 1
  15. Rockateer by TC Electronic: 1
  16. Rockwool by TC Electronic: 1
  17. SpectraCompander by TC Electronic: 1
  18. SynthLeadComp by Janek Gwizdala: 1
  19. The Trapdoor by Jonathan Hischke: 1
Finally I have configured my own toneprint for the HyperGravity. It took me a while and all of the other tonerpints surely helped. So I proudly present:

Alex at Noon by Alex H.

Load and save with all knobs at 12 o'clock. That's why I called it "Alex at Noon". This is needed because of a problem with the Toneprint editor.

This setting has a wide variation of possible values. From nearly noticeable to more extreme settings.

As long as you don't have a lot of noise, the Auto-Makeup Gain is no problem and makes adjusting the knobs much more convenient. Otherwise you have to fiddle with Level, Threshold and Ratio every time you touch any of those three. The Auto-Makeup Gain helps there.

Some of the templates of the TC Electronic have features, you can't setup yourself. The Compander toneprint has an additional noise gate at -80db for example. I like an additional noisegate and -80db is low enough for my purposes. That is why this toneprint is based on the template Compander by TC Electronic.

I set the cross over frequencies to 315 and 1000. It works for my bass and liking but you have to look if it's to your liking too. 315 is fairly high for the low cross over and 1000 fairly low for the high cross over. The average low cross frequency over all SpectraComp Toneprints would be 187hz. The average high cross frequency over all SpectraComp Toneprints would be 1614hz.

Threshold is mapped to the Sustain-Knob. I prefer a threshold of 0db at minimal settings. That way you slowly dial in the threshold you like.

The Level is mapped to the Level-Knob. The minimal settings are set to -100db, so you will have silence, when you dial it full down. At noon it is set to -9,5db which is very close to the level when you switch the compressor off. The maximum is set to 22db, what is the maximum for my settings before clipping occours.

I mapped the compression ratio to the Attack-Knob, because I need a dedicated knob for it. I prefer a soft knee curve, but like the more clear threshold closer to a hard knee curve in lower compression levels. That is why I mapped the Knee to to this button too. At minimum you have no compression and 3db knee. At noon you have the compression set to 1:5.6 and the knee to 11db. At maximum the compression is set to 1:infinate and the knee to 20db.

Attack, Release and Blend are sharing the Blend-Knob. That is not ideal but it is a usable configuration, as you dial in the dry signal to get more of the original transients.

Blend from 0% to 25%:
  • You are increasing the wet signal to 50%
  • You are increasing the attack and release from the lowest setting possible (0,3ms / 20ms) to a low setting of 1,4ms / 50ms.
Blend from 25% to 50%:
  • Wet/Dry ratio stays at 50/50%
  • You are increasing the attack and release from a low setting of 1,4ms for attack and 50ms for release to 10ms for attack and 140ms for release.
Blend from 50% to 75%:
  • Attack stays at 10ms and release at 140ms
  • You decreasing the dry signal from 50% to 0% and increasing the wet signal to 100%
Blend from 75% to 100%:
  • Dry signal stays at 0% and the wet at 100%
  • You decrease attack and release from 10ms and 140ms to the possible minimum of 0,3 and 20ms.
My standard setting is all knobs to 12 o'clock.


X-Over Low: 315
x-Over high: 1000

Auto-Makeup Gain: On
Level All: -9.5 dB (mapped to level knob)
Level Low: -7.5 dB
Level Mid: -9.5 dB
Level High: -8.5 dB
Blend All: 50 % (mapped to blend knob)
Blend Low: 50 %
Blend Mid: 50 %
Blend High: 50 %

Threshold All: -26.0 dB (mapped to sustain knob)
Threshold Low: -32.0 dB
Threshold Mid: -26.0 dB
Threshold High: -29.0 dB
Ratio All: 1:5.6 (mapped to attack knob)
Ratio Low: 1:16.0
Ratio Mid: 1:5.6
Ratio High: 1:3.2
Attack All: 10.0 ms (mapped to blend knob)
Attack Low: 14.0 ms
Attack Mid: 10.0 ms
Attack High: 7.0 ms
Hold All: 0 %
Hold Low: 0 %
Hold Mid: 0 %
Hold High: 0 %
Release All: 140 ms (mapped to blend knob)
Release Low: 200 ms
Release Mid: 140 ms
Release High: 100 ms
Knee All: 11.0 dB (mapped to attack knob)
Knee Low: 11.0 dB
Knee Mid: 11.0 dB
Knee High: 11.0 dB

Sustain Knob - Yellow Parameter: Threshold All
Sustain Knob - Yellow Lowest (left): 0.0 dB
Sustain Knob - Yellow Low Mids: -13.0 dB
Sustain Knob - Yellow Mids: -26.0 dB
Sustain Knob - Yellow High Mids: -37.5 dB
Sustain Knob - Yellow Highest (right): -49.0 dB

Level Knob - Yellow Parameter: Level All
Level Knob - Yellow Lowest (left): -100.0 dB
Level Knob - Yellow Low Mids: -24.0 dB
Level Knob - Yellow Mids: -9.5 dB
Level Knob - Yellow High Mids: 6.5 dB
Level Knob - Yellow Highest (right): 22.0 dB

Attack Knob - Yellow Parameter: Ratio All
Attack Knob - Yellow Lowest (left): Off
Attack Knob - Yellow Low Mids: 1:2.00
Attack Knob - Yellow Mids: 1:5.6
Attack Knob - Yellow High Mids: 1:32.0
Attack Knob - Yellow Highest (right): 1:Inf
Attack Knob - Red Parameter: Knee All
Attack Knob - Red Lowest (left): 3.0 dB
Attack Knob - Red Low Mids: 7.0 dB
Attack Knob - Red Mids: 11.0 dB
Attack Knob - Red High Mids: 15.5 dB
Attack Knob - Red Highest (right): 22.0 dB

Blend Knob - Yellow Parameter: Blend All
Blend Knob - Yellow Lowest (left): 100%
Blend Knob - Yellow Low Mids: 50%
Blend Knob - Yellow Mids: 50%
Blend Knob - Yellow High Mids: 0%
Blend Knob - Yellow Highest (right): 0%
Blend Knob - Red Parameter: Attack All
Blend Knob - Red Lowest (left): 0.3 ms
Blend Knob - Red Low Mids: 1.4 ms
Blend Knob - Red Mids: 10.0 ms
Blend Knob - Red High Mids: 10.0 ms
Blend Knob - Red Highest (right): 0.3 ms
Blend Knob - Blue Parameter: Release All
Blend Knob - Blue Lowest (left): 20.0 ms
Blend Knob - Blue Low Mids: 50.0 ms
Blend Knob - Blue Mids: 140.0 ms
Blend Knob - Blue High Mids: 140.0 ms
Blend Knob - Blue Highest (right): 20.0 ms

NoiseGate at -80d db. Use the Compander Toneprint template from TC- Electronic
to set this toneprint up.

(as attachment you find the screenshots, those screenshots integrated into a pdf, a text file and the SQL-insert statement)


  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_by_Alex_H.txt
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  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_by_Alex_H.pdf
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  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_-_1_Cross_Over.png
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  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_-_2_Gain.png
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  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_-_3_Compressor.png
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  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_-_4_Gain_Response.png
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  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_-_5_Mapping_1_Sustain_1_Yellow.png
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  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_-_5_Mapping_2_Level_1_Yellow.png
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  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_-_5_Mapping_3_Attack_1_Yellow.png
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  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_-_5_Mapping_4_Blend_3_Blue.png
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  • HyperGravity_-_Alex_at_Noon_by_Alex_H_-_SQL_Insert_Statement.txt
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I’m wondering since you can customize this compressor like crazy, could you get a super squishy tone? Like a Boss CS-2?
Sure! I mapped the general compression "Ratio All" to the attack knob. You only would have to change the single values for low, mid and highs to your liking. I have them set to
1:16.0 (low), 1:5.6 (mid) and 1:3.2 (high) at 12 o'clock. You could dial up the individual compression ratios for each band.

The threshold is mapped to the sustain knob. I have set them to something like a weird smiley for the individual bands (-32.0dB (low), -26.0dB (mid) and -29.0 dB (high)). That way it squishes the low end hard, but leaves the mids for -6db more untouched. For a more squishy tone I would lower the mids and high. Maybe to something like -32db, -31db and -30db.
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Sure! I mapped the general compression "Ratio All" to the attack knob. You only would have to change the single values for low, mid and highs to your liking. I have them set to
1:16.0 (low), 1:5.6 (mid) and 1:3.2 (high) at 12 o'clock. You could dial up the individual compression ratios for each band.

The threshold is mapped to the sustain knob. I have set them to something like a weird smiley for the individual bands (-32.0dB (low), -26.0dB (mid) and -29.0 dB (high)). That way it squishes the low end hard, but leaves the mids for -6db more untouched. For a more squishy tone I would lower the mids and high. Maybe to something like -32db, -31db and -30db.

Thanks for all that info!
So do I make those adjustments on top of the "Alex at Noon" settings? Or just those adjustments that you mentioned? I think the CS-2 has a mid forward squish with the lows slightly cut and the highs cut a decent amount.
Thanks for all that info!
So do I make those adjustments on top of the "Alex at Noon" settings? Or just those adjustments that you mentioned? I think the CS-2 has a mid forward squish with the lows slightly cut and the highs cut a decent amount.
I would be lazy and do the adjustments on the base of my setup. If you really want to replicate the CS-2, I would take an original CS-2 and something like a re-amping box or a looper in that you can upload your own loops (like a Nux Core Deluxe Bundle). Then I would send in sine waves and look at the other end with an audio interface and some frequency analyser what the CS-2 does. Or just go by ear. :)
I cannot thank you enough for your work. I recently acquired a Plethora X5 and was disappointed to see only one bass-specific toneprint for HyperGravity; SpectraComp is not part of that deal, so...

so, all this made the pedal infinitely more useful, no thanks to TC electronic.

nota bene, I was not able to directly import the toneprints through the database, I suspect they locked it :D I am also too lazy to search the net for the older version of the app, and I find that manually inputting them all actually forces me to go through each artist's settings and think about what and why, advancing my current knowledge of compression. it is so much more than just the usual load, try for 3 sec and load next, rinse, repeat... there are some common settings to many of the artists' toneprints.

So far I am half through artists' toneprints, with the other half + TC's own waiting in the pipeline. it also took me a couple of them to realize that if making a toneprint out of the template, whatever value you set for the parameters in gain and compressor tabs, it will be overwritten if those parameters are linked to any of the knobs, by whatever value there is at 50% - if said value differs from the one you entered. so, one needs to pay attention to move the knob's middle dot of the parameter to the same value previously set in the either gain or compressor tab BEFORE saving the toneprint. probably wouldn't have figured that one out if it wasn't for John Petrucci and his suggestion to put the knobs at 12'clock to get his preffered settings (I think most of his toneprints' descriptions have this suggestion).

it baffles me that they seem to have cancelled the gain response tab, at least I don't have it in my app across PC/tablet/phone. what a loss. also, a simple real-time visual aid in gain reduction would be great, they had that on RH amps, how hard can it be to do in Plethora... but I digress.

once more, incredible work. if you ever come to my part of woods, get in touch, I owe you some drinks ;)

Finally I got the values for the 38 toneprints (07.09.2019) from the SpectraComp. I ported them manually to my HyperGravity. Then I used the DB Browser for SQLite to get the SQL Insert Statements and uploaded them to my drive to share them with you folks.

I bound the one knob of the SpectraComp toneprints to the Sustain-Knob of the HyperGravity. The other three knobs are not assigned in the ported toneprints.

Because of a bug in the toneprint editor, turn the knobs completely to the left as a workaround, when loading the imported toneprints. I saved them that way.