TC RH450 Vs 750

Hi guys,

Having spent the last while buying effects to chase the right tone for me I am now going to sell the lot and go looking for a new bass head. I am close to pulling the trigger.

I've played a TC RH450 and liked it a lot. Love the Eq section and both tubedrive and spectra comp tick the boxes for me.

I am looking at used and have a 450 available locally but also a 750 - bit further away so not been to try it. Obviously the 750 is louder and has an improved control layout. Beyond that is there any difference?

The other thing that bothers me about the 750 is the loudness. I will be using this amp through a 115 cab at home for practice (detached house so can get away with paying at some volume) but will this head be too loud? Can i simply use the volume control to get it down to a home volume level?

Maybe i should just stick with the 450. The 750 is only a little bit more expensive and comes with the rc4 foot switch. so whilst i don't need the extra oomph i wouldn't want to miss out on a bargain

Thanks in advance for any advice.
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This is from Ampeg's website. Looks like the 115 is a 4 ohm cab design, and with only a speaker only rated at 250W you might be pushing your luck with the 750 for sure. Even the 450 would be a gamble.


To be fair. The cab doesn't owe me anything. Its already on its second life. I played a 500w head through it with no problem and i would be playing at low volume through it assuming the 750 head can be turned down low enough?
I have a TC 410 for playing in anger
I agree with jlepre. I own both of those heads and the RH750 is capable of more volume but it and the RH450 also have this magnificent little device called a volume knob which work wonders. All sarcasm aside, they are voiced a little differently but you would not know the difference unless you actually did an a/b test. Not sure how much you are paying used but you could normally find the RH450 new with warranty on ebay for about $429 and the RH750 for $628.

With that said if you cannot afford the RH750, don't worry as the RH450 is no slouch by any means and cops a pretty cool tube amp emulation when pushed. I won't go into further details as you stated that you have already played it so you pretty much know what you are getting into. Let us know which one you purchased and what you think. Enjoy.
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I have the RH450 and absolutely love it. I haven't played the RH750. The gain and master volume Controls are very smooth and don't "jump" from zero to lots like some older solid state amps so don't worry about too much power. I'd get the 750 as the 450 is marginal for outdoor gigs. Also IMHO the Tube tone is decent when not much is used. Too much distortion and it sounds digital.
Go with the 750. IIRC, they're both 236 watts.

Technically speaking, Munjibunga is correct. However, the biggest difference is the 450 is quite a bit more "compressed" sounding that the 750. I compared them side by side, put both up for sale, and ended up keeping the 750. I do prefer having quick access to the compression and tube tone knobs on the 750. And, IMO/IME, the 750 sounds louder and cleaner.

Both will sound great! However, as recommended, I too suggest getting the RH750.
Technically speaking, Munjibunga is correct. However, the biggest difference is the 450 is quite a bit more "compressed" sounding that the 750. I compared them side by side, put both up for sale, and ended up keeping the 750. I do prefer having quick access to the compression and tube tone knobs on the 750. And, IMO/IME, the 750 sounds louder and cleaner.

Both will sound great! However, as recommended, I too suggest getting the RH750.
To be fair, my RH750 was plenty loud for me and I might still have it if the knobs hadn't kept falling apart.
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I pretty much agree with most of what has been posted except the part oh the RH450 being marginal for outdoor gig's. I've done it with the same amount of volume as indoors. That is where FOH picks up the heavy lifting.

As for the tube tone, I also use very little of it (like 2 or 3 clicks) for a subtle tube like feel but when I would play a Motorhead song or RATM, that distortion worked pretty well. But then again, you've already played one so you should have a pretty good idea of what it can do.

But then again, like what others have said, the RH750 does sound louder and cleaner. Either way I don't think you can go wrong. I own both and didn't need the 750, but I sure am glad I got it. If either of them were ever to be stolen, I would purchase another one right away.