TC RH450 with Bergantino Cab anyone?

Jan 27, 2002
Jax Fl.
I’ve decided to sell a couple of basses and invest in a really nice cab. I’m leaning towards a Bergantino HG410. It’s a fairly new cab so I’m not expecting anyone to have any feedback with this combination but has anyone used a Bergantino cab with this amp? Pls share any feedback with me. I use Fender American Standard basses. I lean towards the old school thump sounds but I change it up to a more modern tone when the song calls for it. I use mostly fingers and a pick when needed. Not much slapping. Thanks for any help in advance.
I ran a RH450 through a Berg AE410 for a while. I found that the 450 ran out of gas way too early in it's volume sweep and would hit a really bad sounding wall when I asked it to do more than it was apparently capable of delivering. I still have the amp and keep it as a back up for gigging, but the AE410 was replaced with NV610.
I play in a loud and sloppy rock band. The 450 just didn't have enough juice for my needs... your mileage may differ...
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