TCE BH250 head and K210 cab? Let's discuss their reliability.

Dec 11, 2017
Milan, Italy
I need a small, basic, reasonably priced setup. I am about to pull the trigger for the BH250 and K210. To me this setup sounds pretty good and via the toneprint I can get the sounds I prefer. I tried the budget oriented gear from Markbass, Hartke, Fender, and Ampeg, and while all those have their merits, none are as versatile as the BH250 to me.

Is the reliability of TCE gear on par with other budget gear manufacturers? From searching this forum I see all have complaints about reliabilty. Usually from the combos. The only think I don't want is headaches from gear that just doesn't do its job quietly in the background.

What do you think of the reliability of TCE heads and cabs?
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I ran the BH250 as a practice rig for a year and a half with no issues. I like the amp, it sounds really nice. I had only one incident, running it at 4 ohms on a hot day it paused (no sound) while it was hot until it cooled back down. It's supposed to protect itself that way, but it would be an issue at a gig. I still have the amp though. I would probably get a more powerful version if I were buying it today.
I have the BH250 and have run it into 1 or 2 Ampeg SVT210AV for band practices (2 guitars, keyboard, and louder drummer and me). I bought it used from a TB member and have never had a problem with it. It does a decent facsimile of my V4B with the TubeDrive Tone Print at literally 1/10th the weight. Never had any drop outs or anything.

Add in a foot switch (Digitech FS3X is 1/2 the price of the TC branded one) to add Mute and switch between 2 loaded tone prints, and it becomes even more useful.

All in all it’s been a terrific little practice amp for me.