TCE Vortex or SA Orbital?


I'm only here for the after party..
Mar 31, 2011
Sandy Eggo
Endorsing Artist: Payson Fanned Bass Strings Tsunami Cables
It's a toss up between these two, just like the title says. I'm mainly looking for a flanger, but the Orbital is really only a little more for a truckload of options. Will I actually use them all? Not necessarily for live use but I could see them being beneficial on home recordings.

If you have had both of these, what's your pick? Stay cheap and get the Vortex or spend a little more on the Orbital?
Keep in mind that our newer Mercury Flanger is another option. It's a flanger out of the box, but you also have access to all of the sounds from the Orbital via the app.

Ok, I'll admit I didn't notice that one but it's got my attention now. I'm going to check out all three today, we'll see which one follows me home!