From Part 3...
Distorted sound not much volume on my AH400SMX
Started out with just a loud pop and loud hum and no sound (music)...
I took it out of the case, took the top cover off, canned air blew the dust and cobwebs (literally) out of it.
It literally looked like it had been stored at the Munster's mansion for 100 years inside.
Ran a 1/4" plug several times in /out of each 1/4" jack.
now, No more loud pop and hum but, only low volume of distorted music. I mean like 2 watts of sound at 5 on the output level (master).
I piped it into my AH1200SM via the effects loops and only slight buzz from the 1200's black-light and the 400's input gain affects the volume but, I get plenty of good loud bass type sound from the amp. like 500 watts of good loud clean bass
like this:
Bass to AH400SMX, Set input gain to optimal signal,
AH40SMX effects "send" to
AH1200SM effects "return"
Speaker connected to AH1200SM
This config sounds GREAT.
The AH400SMX on it's own sounds like listening to a set of headphones laying on top of the amp head playing a bass with a nice warm overdrive pedal.
Is it maybe the 12ax7 tube going out and if so, why does it not sound better when the input blend is all the way to the SS side?