Tecamp L410 versions


Dec 15, 2017
Hi, everyone!

I'm looking for a lightweight 4x10. Read good reviews about Tecamp L410, and I found a couple of good deals.
I'm quite confused about different versions of the cab I found online.
There's this one, that seems to be a little older, and a little lighter.
And this one, so called "classic", that looks like it's the one out nowadays.
From the product pages I've linked, there is a difference in weight (less weight is always welcome), in "aesthetic" (can't care less), and something about speakers (not sure if some info are missing in a page or there are really differences; as an example, the tweeter sections are different, but tweeter control looks the same).

Does anyone have any detailed info?
Thanks for the hint! I've not yet opted for one brand or another, so it's ok to get suggestions.
But I prefer to maintain this thread Tecamp-related.
(I'll come annoying you with a "which 410 is right for me" thread soon :) )
I don’t have experience with the L410 specifically, but I went through this same process with the older and newer version of the TecAmp M212 cab. I have also spoken at length with Glenn Kawamoto who runs TecAmp USA. The main differences are:

1. The look - older version has black metal grill and newer version has the silver cloth grill and adds “Classic” to the name. With the M212, the weight difference was less than 5 lbs, so definitely negligible

2. The speakers - older version has NEO speakers and newer version has ceramic speakers. Glenn of TecAmp told me the new versions with the updated ceramic speakers are much better sounding. I have owned both versions of the TecAmp M212 cab and definitely agree with Glenn. The updated ceramic speaker version called the M212 Classic has more grunt/growl/low end presence and I still own it. The high end is similar in both versions. Unfortunately the M212 Classic has been discontinued, but I found mine used. I also own an S212 Classic cab, which is still in production.

Here’s a link to the L410 Classic page on the TecAmp Site:

L 410 Classic - TecAmp

I would suggest contacting Glenn Kawamoto directly for the best info. The contact info is at the bottom of the home page on the TecAmp site:

Bass Players' Gear - TecAmp
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