I've owned a puma 300 head from Tecamp for several years. Yesterday when I switched the head on there was a large sparkle near the power switch and the head of course did nothing. Since the head is fuse protected, I opened up the little fuse drawer at the rear and the fuse was burnt out: I replaced it with the second one provided but nothing happened at all. Opening the top case, I could see that one of the two large black condensers on the left (when looked from above; I believe these are called filtering condensers or so) had burnt out (there are black marks on it, and there was a burnt smell). I did not touch anything but could not see any other apparent damage.
Does anyone know what could have happened and caused this? Also, where should I bring the head for an attempt to put it back on feet? (I guess an electronic shop is more appropriate than a music shop? I live in France, near the German border.)
Any hint/help appreciated, thanks!
I've owned a puma 300 head from Tecamp for several years. Yesterday when I switched the head on there was a large sparkle near the power switch and the head of course did nothing. Since the head is fuse protected, I opened up the little fuse drawer at the rear and the fuse was burnt out: I replaced it with the second one provided but nothing happened at all. Opening the top case, I could see that one of the two large black condensers on the left (when looked from above; I believe these are called filtering condensers or so) had burnt out (there are black marks on it, and there was a burnt smell). I did not touch anything but could not see any other apparent damage.
Does anyone know what could have happened and caused this? Also, where should I bring the head for an attempt to put it back on feet? (I guess an electronic shop is more appropriate than a music shop? I live in France, near the German border.)
Any hint/help appreciated, thanks!