That's it.No More Bass Buying.How about you?


We're not all trying to play the same music.
Supporting Member
May 3, 2009
Hiding in the comet's tail
Over the last 37 years I have had about 25 different basses.
The majority were basses that I "settled"for.
Meaning that they were not exactly what I wanted.

Now my Wolf 7 covers all that I need in a fretted bass.
it's a four,a five,a six,and seven stringed tapping instrument.
My fretless six is the same.

I have recently sold my Washburn four stringer.
I have two current basses left.
I have come to the conclusion that there will be no more bass buying from this point on.

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I'm doing somewhat the same as you are. Forty nine years of playing here. I have two Fenders, an Am. Pro. Fretless Jazz, and a Fretted American Standard Jazz. I've pretty much come to the conclusion for myself that, more than two basses for me is a waste. I'm comfortable playing the Fretless Jazz as my primary, and using the Fretted Jazz as an occasional player.
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If I had a dollar for every time I've said that....:)

I've owned 48 basses in my life. At one time I had 30 at the same time. So in 2014 I decided no more. I started selling off basses. Sold about 20. Planned on selling more and getting down to 4 or 5.

Since then I've purchased an MIA Fender P, a Squier Matt Freeman, a Lakland 44-64 Custom and a G&L SB-2. Oh, yeah, and a WingBass.

Guess I'm going to need two more to hit 50 lifetime. Then I'll be done. I swear.....:D
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I have had hundreds of basses. I actually really miss most of them.

I usually got to do one gig with each when I was gigging heavily. Then it was back to ebay to sell it and try another one. I don't regret one minute because I could never afford to own all the basses I've had at the same time. I got to enjoy each one for a week or two.

Now I have a really sweet 57 AVRI Precision and 2 Rics. I will always have at least one Precision and One Ric. I will probably keep trying different basses until the bitter end.
Sometimes we enjoy the anticipation more so than the actual instrument:) What helped me was to readjust my mindset and outlook....I see a bass as nothing more than a tool to help me "bring forth" the music i hear in my and of itself, it can do nothing and its simply a tool. This has helped me from getting GAS to much or for the wrong reasons. Only when im after a particular sound, feel or comfort level that is difficult to achieve with a current instrument do I look for another. With a the current 4 I have (1-P, 2-J's, 1-EBMM Stingray) I am getting all i need for what im doing.

EDIT: Just to clarify, this approach of course is not necessarily applicable for a collector. My spouse, budget and space would not allow that:)
I get it @gebass6... I mean... I'd be just fine with my trusty old upright, but I just can't seem to make the same declaration and stick to it. Here's how you know when you've got it bad:

I bought a Guild DeArmond Starfire II week before last, bringing my current total to 14. (not counting uprights) That pales when compared to the stables of a few TB'rs, but then you have to consider... I did it literally while my new Custom Alembic fretless was en route after a nearly two-year wait. I got them a day apart.

That might be comparing Hondas to Ferraris, but that Starfire was so freaking cool, and not particularly easy to find in vintage sunburst, plus I got a great deal. How could I not snag that one?! I mean... what's one more? :bassist: :facepalm:


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Congratulations on your new balance. I also really resonate with not keeping basses you've "settled" for. I've owned a similar number of basses since I started playing and I don't miss anything I've sold. Clearly alot of us are skeptical about the long-term future of your pledge, but anytime you can downsize your collection and be more content with what you have, that's a good thing.

I've been downsizing a bit but I've still got 8 basses including my upright and my loaner (out with my brother). My collection probably won't get any smaller than that but I do have plans to tweak/upgrade some of the basses I have. Part of not settling for me is making the basses I have as perfect-for-me as possible.
As sung by Julio Eglasias and Willie:

To all the basses I've loved before
That have come in and out my door
some had 5 strings, some had four
To all the basses I've loved before

To all the basses I once did play
some with flats and extended range
I'm glad you came along, I dedicate this song
To all the basses I've loved before

The winds of change are always blowing
Every time I try to stay
The bass I gigged last week
The UPS man drives away

To all the basses that shared my life
That are now someone else's wife
I'm glad you came along, I dedicate this song
To all the P/J's I've strung before.

To all the Rics that cared for me
That filled my nights with ecstasy
The truss rods I did tweak, the pickups I did switch
They'll always be a part, always in my heart
To all the Rics that cared for me

The winds of change are always blowing
Every time they try to stay a fanned fret comes my way
And a Thunderbird gets sold away.

To all the basses I've loved before
Whose string spacing I did not adore
I'm glad you came along, you helped my write some songs
To all the Hofners I've loved before

To all the basses I've loved before
That I dreamt would go on world tour
I dedicate this song, I'm glad you came along
To all the 6 strings I said, "What for,?"

To all the basses I've loved before.