The Nobody Commemorative Avatar Overlay Available

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Mar 23, 2010
Brothers and sisters:

If you would like your avatar to have the Nobody avatar commemorative overlay similar to mine, please send an attachment of your avatar to me and I will do one for you. My email address is [email protected].

I will not do a commemorative overlay for the grouchy old men who make this place a bummer everyday; that is, should one of the curmudgeons actually get banned (this is not a discussion or questioning of why Nobody was banned. He was obviously deserving of being banned in the eyes of a mod or mods. Let it be known that he is missed much more, and by many more, than would one of the fine line-walking curmudgeons who make this place a bummer).

I expect demand to be huge. Uuuuuuge, like Donny Trump huge.
If you don't want to let me in on youremail address (it would be totally safe with me) then, if it's possible to attach it to a TB private conversation to me then do that. Just let me know how you attach pics to TB private conversations so I can send your new avatar back.
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Can you hook me up with
dat ass.jpg
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