Double Bass The Search Is Over


Supporting Member
Mar 1, 2012
Endorsing artist: Lakland basses
I play mostly country/roots/bluegrass and prefer little/no sustain and medium-high tension.

My trial and error wasn't too expensive, maybe 5-6 various used sets over the years, many of them nylon/perlon core. I had lots of good results and I liked the 140b's on the Kay for a long time but wasn't completely satisfied.

Jargars- Forte on the no-name and Dolce on the K. Meyer. Steel, oh boy. Consistency across both sets is aces. Best 'D' and 'G' I've had. Good attack, a nice warm thump, and they don't choke when you dig in.

I imagine I might want something "easier" to play in advanced age as my strength diminishes. But for now I'm a convert.

(And I'd like to thank everyone for all their advice and expertise during the journey.)
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I play mostly country/roots/bluegrass and prefer little/no sustain and medium-high tension.

My trial and error wasn't too expensive, maybe 5-6 various used sets over the years, many of them nylon/perlon core. I had lots of good results and I liked the 140b's on the Kay for a long time but wasn't completely satisfied.

Jargars- Forte's on the no-name and Dolce's on the K. Meyer. Steel, oh boy. Consistency across both sets is aces. Best 'D' and 'G' I've had. Good attack, a nice warm thump, and they don't choke when you dig in.

I imagine I might want something "easier" to play in advanced age as my strength diminishes. But for now I'm a convert.

(And I'd like to thank everyone for all their advice and expertise during the journey.)
I’ve been a longtime fan of Jargars, I honestly don’t know of a better suited string for my style/technique.
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