Things You Don't See Anymore Part 3

Apr 17, 2009
Things You Don't See Anymore Part 3

Continued from here


That Jersey thing about cutting bike forks and pounding them onto other forks to make choppers....we did that out here in California too. Hoping for the best is right.

Do kids use cardboard to slide down dry grassy hills anymore?

I don't think kids today do anything like that? We spent most of our young life's outside figuring out ways to have fun. When I was a kid I went out of the house in the morning jumped on my bike and didn't show up till dinner time. We played every sport that was in season and unless you were sick you were outside!
I don't think kids today do anything like that? We spent most of our young life's outside figuring out ways to have fun. When I was a kid I went out of the house in the morning jumped on my bike and didn't show up till dinner time. We played every sport that was in season and unless you were sick you were outside!

Yep, those were the days....out for 12-14 hours, not be tracked by parents, no phone calls home....just out being kids in the neighborhood. Good times .....good times.
the family car pose photo has disappeared I think


Used to be able to walk into anyone's house back in the 60 and 70's and find a photo of the family and the car

My dad was just talking about this the other day. Buying a new car, or even a new "used" car was a big deal back then. When someone in the family got a new car they'd take it around to everyone in the family and show it off. People don't do that any more.