Double Bass Thompson RM-100 pricing question.

I am looking at a Thompson RM-100 on CL in a neighboring city. It includes a Tuff bag and Realist pickup. I see that package is about $1800 new on string emporium's website. The seller says that it is in great condition. What do you think is a fair price?

It's entirely possible that the seller is active on here, in which case I don't mean any insult, I just want to get a sense of the market for these instruments.
My craigslist rule of thumb is to ask twice what I want and negotiate down if necessary, and to offer half the asking price and negotiate up if I really want the item.

That might seem rude, but if you spend enough time wallowing in that cauldron of unrealistic expectations and broken dreams, my policy makes some sense.
First of all, I think those basses are great bargains and you'll be glad you got it. Find out if there has been any luthier stuff done-this would likely be a plus. Find out what it's strung with-Thomastics are worth more IMO after a year or so-others less. Check out the bag if you can-like the pedals on a used car that can be an indication of use.
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