Hi guys,
Been a lon time follower of talkbass, and found loads of useful info here. I don't know if this belongs in this section or the jazz technique subforum, but since it concerns arco technique, I'll post here.
Been playing electric bass for almost 20 years and I have a good technique/theory basis, and for some months I've been practicing double bass, mainly arco, and I've fallen in love with the possibilities that the bow offers in terms of expression.
Since there's not a lot of teachers around, I've been learning by myself and lately I've been practicing melodies as a way to work on my technique. Jazz heads, bluegrass and celtic tunes, and any melodies that have captivated my ears.
So my question is:
When you are playing a melody that is intended for another instruments (or vocals) how do you decide when playing note-per-note bow strokes (detache) or multiple notes per bow stroke(legato)?
I've been doing it by feeling but wondering if you have a method for deciding when to slur. I also noticed that a lot of old jazz arco solos are mainly single strokes (chambers, stewart..) but I'm usually trying to have a more clear sound and emulate horns/vocal phrasing.
My db heroes atm (the sound I'm aiming at) are Edgar Meyer and Olivier Babaz.
Bonus question:
When in TP, how do you play a descending 4th without having any silence between the notes? Like playing an A on the G string followed by an E on the D string.
Thanks guys, keep on rockin!
Been a lon time follower of talkbass, and found loads of useful info here. I don't know if this belongs in this section or the jazz technique subforum, but since it concerns arco technique, I'll post here.
Been playing electric bass for almost 20 years and I have a good technique/theory basis, and for some months I've been practicing double bass, mainly arco, and I've fallen in love with the possibilities that the bow offers in terms of expression.
Since there's not a lot of teachers around, I've been learning by myself and lately I've been practicing melodies as a way to work on my technique. Jazz heads, bluegrass and celtic tunes, and any melodies that have captivated my ears.
So my question is:
When you are playing a melody that is intended for another instruments (or vocals) how do you decide when playing note-per-note bow strokes (detache) or multiple notes per bow stroke(legato)?
I've been doing it by feeling but wondering if you have a method for deciding when to slur. I also noticed that a lot of old jazz arco solos are mainly single strokes (chambers, stewart..) but I'm usually trying to have a more clear sound and emulate horns/vocal phrasing.
My db heroes atm (the sound I'm aiming at) are Edgar Meyer and Olivier Babaz.
Bonus question:
When in TP, how do you play a descending 4th without having any silence between the notes? Like playing an A on the G string followed by an E on the D string.
Thanks guys, keep on rockin!