I’m mostly an electric player, haven’t really played an upright for 11 years, but I’m considering getting one for a few “acoustic only” venues where an acoustic bass guitar won’t cut it. I found someone an hour away selling what they’re calling a tololoche for under $400. From googling it seems like it’s basically a 1/2 upright thats tuned A-C. My question is, are there any real structural differences? I don’t really want to transpose everything, so I’d like tune down to E-G. Will that cause problems beyond needing a set up? At the price point, I’m assuming it’s an inexpensive mass produced bass, and the sale is in the US, which makes me wonder if it may be a 1/2 bass that’s just been used as a tololoche by this person. I’m going to look at it tomorrow. What should I look for? Anything to check for to tell if it’s a 1/2 bass v. a tololoche, or red flags to look for? Any help is much appreciated.