tone cap question: What to expect

Jan 5, 2014
What tones should I expect from each one of these tone capacitor values from bright to warm? Thanks.
depends on the bass.

if it’s a typical passive J with single coils then the .047μF will roll the tone off “normally”, the .015 will leave more mids in almost like a wah pedal set halfway down, and the .022 will be sort of in between

this all when you roll the tone way down though; with the tone knob above like “5” none of it makes any difference at all
^^^That's true. It's why normal consumer and industrial devices don't use paper/oil caps. They can also lose moisture over time. Like many things "back in the day" that was the only option. so when you pick the right one it will sound better new than a couple years down the road. But when they're pretty freshly installed they get you there.