I am Trustee of a non-profit foundation that has a large collection of instruments that we loan to students. They have been stored unused in a warehouse since 2019. Climate controlled and all precautions, but stored on racks, unplayed. I can only assume that the strings were lowered in tension when they were put away, but assumptions are dangerous. The situation is that the tops cave in when the strings are brought up to pitch. I have examined one with an endoscope and can detect a crack in the bass bar, but there may be more that I cannot see. They are all Kays, student models. It seems the repair would be more expensive than the instruments are worth. They have many other issues as well, such as delaminations, unidentified buzzes and rattles, and phone numbers scratched into the finish. Anyone have a suggestion as to how to even do a cost/benefit analysis on the repairs? Thanks.