Travel: getting past Indianapolis, Louisville, Nashville


In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Mar 27, 2002
Southeast Michigan
We're driving from Michigan down to Huntsville, AL on Friday and wanted to see if anyone had any tips for getting past Indianapolis, Louisville and Nashville as easily as possible.
We'll be taking I-69 south from Michigan to Indianapolis, then I-65 south past Louisville and Nashville. I'm not real fond of city driving, especially during high congestion periods (who is?) so if there are routes and/or construction zones to avoid I'd appreciate hearing about them.

Thanks, Ric
I don't remember exit numbers off the top of my head, but coming south on I65 take TN 155 (Briley Parkway) south east, this will take you past the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention center. Stay on TN 155 until you hit I40 and go west to I24. When you exit I24 follow the signs to I440, which is a spur connecting I24 to I65, then take I65 south and you are an about 90 minutes from your exit (565) to Huntsville.

If traffic is moving and there is no construction delays, it's quicker to just stay on I65, but if you can't get reliable traffic and construction updates, it's safer to take 155 around. We go to Detroit a couple times a year and it has saved us on more than one occasion when construction turned 65 into a long skinny parking lot.