I'm at 70, also dealing with multiple trigger fingers, a result of congenital RA in the hands, going on 3 years now. Nothing seems to make drastic improvement, but I am seeing subtle improvement with range of motion exercises, hot and cold water therapy, and I'm taking a zinc OTC supplement. Steroid shots and eventual surgery are available for those who wish to go that route, and while it isn't my preference, I may one day decide the possible positive results are worth the recovery time and possible complication gamble; more than likely I won't though, just my personal tendency.
I do see some improvement over time. My hands used to hurt a lot, they are now both pain free. Both thumbs used to trigger a lot, they are now at about 95% range of motion without triggering. My left index and middle fingers and my right middle and ring fingers are the biggest issues now, with the left index and right ring fingers range of motion improved to about 70% without triggering. This leaves both middle fingers the most critical at this time, probably at about 40% range of motion and still triggering.
I have played banjo for 55 years, mandolin for 22 years and double bass for 7 years. I haven't given up on them at all. In order to keep going, I've changed postures and techniques uniquely for each instrument, and I've changed arrangements of a number of songs so that I can play them with some restricted finger movement...
Specifically with double bass, my left hand's baseball grip needed to change to more of a classical/Simandl posture with the thumb behind the back of the neck in order to use fingers that couldn't completely flex anymore. That has made a huge difference and I'm glad to have re-learned that; there is also much less shifting and much greater reach, but I did have to significantly lower my action using fat low tension strings in order to achieve this. My right hand has remained pretty consistent, using a thumb anchor on the bass-side of the lower fingerboard and my relatively straight index and middle fingers together to stroke the strings in pizz. Arco and slap have also remained mostly unaffected. I'd like to move my right hand to multiple finger playing, but with the middle and ring fingers significantly restricted, now is not the time for that.
I have found that the design of the hands are pretty remarkable when challenged with multiple fingers not working right. They do a lot of things to compensate almost with a mind of their own, trying to achive a useful balance. This has provided encouragement and a willingness to re-learn so many things.
I'd recommend range of motion exercises, hot and cold water (and/or hot-wax) therapy and possibly a zinc supplement if you are found to be deficient. I'd also recommend consideration of medical help with steroid shots and surgery if you can tolerate those well. But mostly I'd recommend don't give up, and be willing to change things creatively; re-learning can be pretty stimulating.
Best of luck with this!