Fender Mustang PJ the saddle height screws vibrated down. had put some vaseline because it's thick. But it dropped down again last night. This is only on the E string. How to alleviate the problem
Clear silicon caulk or Weldbond adhesive.
Loctite is designed to "lock" the treads. Not stiffen them up so it doesn't move as easy. I usually use a wrap of teflon tape in these sorts of applications.
The green and red will do just that...lock the threads to the point you have to heat the assembly to free the components. If you follow the steps outlined in post #4, the process will "gum up" the works just enough to prevent the inadvertent slippage described by the OP.
Perhaps. I'm not a luthier but I've used loctite in many applications. Yes the blue will loosen without applying heat but it's intended purpose is still to lock threads. It might help the situation, but the saddles are designed to be adjusted. The loctite will eventually dry out and fall out in little pieces when you move them in the future. Hey just my 2c. Good luck.
The loctite will eventually dry out and fall out in little pieces when you move them in the future.