Did you get this sorted? I've just ordered the same neck and Fender's pure vintage nickel machine heads thinking they'd fit.
No unfortunately. I bought the Jazz bass version too and neither of the necks have a size large enough for Fender bushings.
I reached out to Fender and they told me what they required but they are way to large!
Here is what they said —
“These are the proper bushings for both of those necks. The holes in those headstocks measure .734", these bushings measure .738".
I bought that part number from Fender and that same size from a generic brand. It definitely did not fit.
Roasted maple is very brittle, so I would not force it. I tried that very cautiously with my first P bass neck and this is what happened.
Since the neck was already broke, I then drilled out the other holes too see if that would help. I drilled out a lot... after carefully pushing one bushing into place the rest of the headstock busted apart.
My replacement neck and my new Jazz neck look amazing and feel great with the satin finish on the back.
I am not sure what I can do now with them... the only option might be to throw even more money away and have a luthier install them.
PLEASE let me know if you come up with another option. Private message me if I don’t respond. I’m $700 in the hole, so my next step is to go to small claims court maybe just for fun, and to make myself feel better. Lol