Double Bass Ukelele Bass Scale Length DIY

Tom Preston

Nov 17, 2016
Okay so I was thinking about doing a DIY u bass, similar to the way Kala builds them. I know Kala uses about a 20 inch scale length. I have a neck left over from a junior guitar that has about a 19 inch scale length. Will I be able to use this neck with the kala strings and get the same intonation? The neck has 21 frets. I believe this is more than the kala u basses have. I'm very new to talk bass any help is appreciated.
Hi Tom!
I haven't a clue how Kala builds their instruments, but for the intonation it is important that the bridge be placed at the right place for the frets, so that the scale (=distance top nut - bridge) matches the layout of the frets. However, going from a guitar to a u-bass, the strings have a much higher amplitude & need to be higher above the FB, which may necessitate moving the bridge a bit (backwards) to get better intonation. Trial & error, but for that you best give it a free standing bridge, with the strings attached to a tailpiece hung off the end of the box. Then you can move the bridge a bit, if required.

For the strings, the reduction of scale from 20" to 19" results in a little lower tension, but that will probably work (these strings are very low tension anyway). Maybe if you tune a semitone higher (F-A#-D#-G#) you get a slightly better sound, at the expense of an awkward tuning; for you to test. The # of frets is not so important.

Good luck!
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