Unconventional tuning

Mar 18, 2020
This is my first thread after years of stalking Talkbass.

I thought I would share that I have yet to encounter anyone else who tunes the same as I or similar.

I would also like to say that I'm not entirely sure I would still call this a bass. I start with a bass but the end result is more guitar/bass hybrid.

I tune DDGC rather than EADG. I buy a six string set and remove the B and A strings. Tune the E to D, jump an octave to the next D, then fourths, G and C.

I started playing guitar in 4th grade up to age 21 or 22 and was given a cheapo Bass guitar and found that something was missing when I plugged the guitar back in from the bass.

I feel in love with the low end. But still craved the metal Djent and Chug and wound up using pick for 90 percent or more of my playing time on bass. But chugging 5ths down low sounded horrible (out of tune and muddy). Me being like Mcguyver, I went to the store picked up a six string set and figured I'd tune the two low strings an octave apart, and chug on that.

My sound was born. I know I may seem strange for doing so, but in taking a path yet travelled, I found what very little have found, my strange way of playing bass.

I will eventually post some horribly recorded videos of my playing.

In the meantime if like to hear what folks around here, think of my tuning style.