Unusual Fret Buzz - Help

Feb 3, 2004
So i have a P bass that has fret buzz on the 4th fret of the D string only. The other strings all play fine in the same position. Cant figure out what it is. 3rd fret plays fine, 5th fret plays fine. Only when i play the 4th it will completely buzz out.

Any ideas?
Buzzing below the 12th fret can often be nut problems, has anybody checked the G string height above first fret? Maybe that nut slot is low. It may actually be buzzing behind the 4th fret on 1-3. If not, it almost has to be a high fret end, probably the 5th or 6th. Just because it was leveled doesn't mean a fret end hasn't popped up since. Can you get a fingernail between any fret ends and the fingerboard?

Fret buzz behind the fretted note.
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If it’s some kind of sympathetic vibration weirdness, slightly tightening or loosening the trussrod night move it elsewhere or eliminate it. Maybe loosen it 1/4 turn to add a bit more relief and see if it improves, if not, tighten it back to where you found it and let a good guitar tech chase it. I’m chasing a similar mysterious buzz on the G string around the 17th fret, with no high frets when checked with a fret rocker. Curious to hear how this gets resolved, keep us posted!
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