Unusual P-Bass Hum/Buzz

Recently, I replaced the pickups and capacitor in my Cort Sp-Pb P-bass and whenever the tone pot is touched, an extremely noisy, loud buzz can be heard, which I would attribute to grounding issues. I have checked the grounding issues in relation to this, but this isnt the main reason Im making this thread.

Despite the loudest buzz/hum going away when the strings, bridge, tuners, or volume pot is touched, there is still an audible fizzy, staticky type sound that does not go away. Could this be a shielding issue? Something to do with Grounding?

These are the pots im using:
Alpha Control Pots | stewmac.com
The capacitor that has been installed was removed out of a early 1960s Teisco half scale bass because I loved the tone of the half scale when the tone pot was set to 0, sadly the neck has been fatally broken due to dry-rotted wood:thumbsdown:

This is the only remaining photo of the capacitor in its original wiring harness, i do not know the cap code on it cause it was mostly rubbed off/unreadable

I will post a video of the noises coming from my bass later, everybody is sleeping at the moment (9am)
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If the noise is constant when you touch metal on the bass, then your issue is not RF interference (what shielding is typically done for).

If the noise you are getting sounds like statics electricity, it probably is and shielding will resolve that as well.

As far as the cap goes, I think the value is .100uf, at least that is what my modern green drops are. I should disclose that I am not even qualified enough to call myself an amateur when it comes to electronics. ;) :D
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