Updated 09-13-2023 : Basses Forum Rules PLEASE READ

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john turner

You don't want to do that. Trust me.
Staff member
Mar 14, 2000
atlanta ga
this is a merged sticky thread with all the previous basses forum's rules stickies in one easy to read place. enjoy :)

the information listed here so far is :

1. how to help out your friendly neighborhood basses mods
2. extended range bassists and the basses who love them :)
3. posting threads about x-rated instruments.
4. posting about "ugly" basses
5. regarding relic bass discussions.
6. ATTENTION : post in the right forum please, and STAY ON TOPIC
8. No threads praising counterfeit basses.
In case you haven't noticed, the volume of posting here at TB has steadily increased over the years. Due to this, it may take time for a Mod to notice problem threads or posts.

So, please - help support the community and use the post reporting function if you see something that needs moderator attention. Threads in the incorrect forum, swearing, fighting, Fieldy worship - anything that is a problem. It's the [!] button, the position of which varies depending on what skin you're using.

insults and the snide b.s. about extended range instruments and the musicians who choose to play them is inappropriate here at talkbass. i've dealt with it since 1993, and i've dealt with it here from some poor unfortunate ignoramouses ever since i first got here. most folks ask honest questions about instruments they don't understand or never experienced, and that's fine, any number of the extended range players on the site here will be glad to share their experiences and answer questions.

but the (thankfully small) gaggle of clucking airheads who feel the need to be insulting about someone else's instrument choice need to adjust their cluck. it's disrespectful and flies right in the face of the #1 rule here at talkbass. we want this site to be a comfortable area for all bassists, and these kinds of comments make that impossible.

so the next time you think you have something funny to say about someone's instrument choice at their expense (nevermind the fact that we extended range bassists have heard it _all_ before, from folks smarter than you even, and they still sounded like idiots) think twice. it very well could cost you the priveledge of posting here.
from here on out there will be no more ugly bass threads or posts tolerated in the bass forums, unless you are posting about your own instrument.

too many folks participate here with too diverse a set of instruments for these kinds of threads to end up doing anything but pissing people off.

interesting thing - the folks with experience, who gig and who are in general serious about bass usually don't waste their talkbass time posting about basses they don't own, talking about how they find someone else's instrument to be ugly :rolleyes: . something to emulate, folks. :eyebrow:

so if you want to talk about an ugly bass, make sure it's one of your own, or it will be deleted.

EDIT(jt) : the bongo addendum this goes for posts too. if you wanna compare a bass to a commode, that bass better have a handle or else you better own one.

if you have a negative opinion about an instrument, be sure to tie it to something beyond the subjective appearance - "the body was uncomfortable for me to play" or "the neck was too round for me, felt like a baseball bat".

otherwise, if you find something ugly, say so if such an opinion is asked for, otherwise keep it to yourself. this isn't rocket science, guys. respect other folks' instruments.
Since artificially aging an instrument (i.e. relicing) is, at least visually, no different than artificially coloring an instrument (i.e. painting) any posts or threads insulting such procedures are hereby banned under the "no insulting ugly instruments" rule that has been the long-standing policy here at talkbass. You're welcome to give your own personal reasons why you don't like the look of worn instruments, however they ended up in that condition, but slagging the instruments or the players who play them is going to jeopardize your posting abilities here.

Make a note of this. If you don't approve of someone else's finish choice, keep it to yourself, or if you absolutely -must- vent your opinion, tell them privately.
hey folks

be sure to post in the right forum when you start a thread. basses[bg] is for instrument specific discussions only. anything else, like pickup, hardware, setup or string issues, belong in other forums. if you're not sure, shoot me or any of the basses mods a pm and i'll help you out, free of charge :).

just a reminder.

futhermore, the threads in this forum are about -basses-, so please keep the off topic chatter to a minimum. we have an off topic forum you can go to to chit-chat about irrelevant shennanigans. keep the conversations on topic in basses please.
While every internet forum is subject to spam attacks, we've been getting hit with a large amount of it in the Basses forum as of late. Please- do not reply to these spam threads. No "go away spammers," no witty comments, etc. Any attention these spammers get gives them incentive to create more accounts and post more spam, and every time someone replies to one of these threads, it bumps the thread to the top of the forum and gives them exactly what they want.

Please, just use the Post Report button and let a moderator delete any spam you find. Thank you.
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