Upgrade Epi Jack Casady Pickups

I'm wanting to upgrade my Jack Casady pickup to something with a little more punch. Even with power slinky strings the tone is very round and muddy.
Anyone ever upgraded and/or have any suggestions?
I'm wanting to upgrade my Jack Casady pickup to something with a little more punch. Even with power slinky strings the tone is very round and muddy.
Anyone ever upgraded and/or have any suggestions?
Huh- is this with all the stock Casady Bass electronics in working order as well? I find that in all the positions of the switch that I have plenty of punch. The middle and 500ohm transformer switch positions my Casady Bass are particularly raw (rocking) punchy (though the 500 position can be pretty saturated/compressed and a bit darker or mid-forward depending on strings and pickup height, it is punchy like a Thunderbird to my ears). I guess I can’t imagine an upgrade to what’s already in those basses, which are three distinct and powerful voices IMO. The company above is the only one I’m aware of that makes a drop-in replacement (size-wise), but keep in mind you’ll also want to swap out the pots with a more standard arrangement (probably 500K volume and tone) and the transformer also likely won’t be useful with a standard impedance humbucker like that. You’ll be neutering what really makes the Casady Bass special/unique IMO
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Yeah, if replacing a black pickup, I'd love to have the old one for my project.