I need recommendations on pickups and preamp / EQs for upright bass playing rockabilly. Hit me!
I would sure look up Joe Fick and see what he uses
There is lots out there. Lots and lots.
First, I'd suggest spending some time at Gollihur Music's web presentation for Choosing Pickups for your Double Bass.
Then, I'd suggest taking a serious look at Vic's Pickups. Zac Victors is a RaB player and has designed these pickups from the ground up with RaB in mind, although they do equally well for other genre too.
Personally, I'm using a Vic's Model C (bridge and fingerboard) stereo piezo set, feeding into a K&K Dual Channel Pro ST, where I can EQ and blend the signals from both piezos; I have this setup to output into a mono signal. From there I split the signal so I can support both a personal monitor and FOH, etc. And I use wireless dongles so there are no cables attached to my DB.
For more sensitive volume situations and/or for more tone-critical situations (mostly roots music genre) I have attached a Sennheiser e 604 dynamic mic for a clear, untouched mic feed out to a FOH or to amps. When I want MBOL tone, that's what I use. I also use wireless dongles for this.
I'm using some of the less expensive Getaria 2.4 tx/rc sets from Amazon, I got two sets expecting to use the 2nd set when the 1st set's batteries became exhausted. But battery life is so good I never have to switch, in typical 3-hour gigs, so I feel free to use both at the same time if desired.What wireless set up do you use?
Buy a Bieselie magnetic along with the 2 channel blender that he sells and add a wing pickup you won't look back guaranteed this setup is much better than the krivo mag pickup expensive and worth it. I use this setup for jazz and no it does not sound like a P bassI need recommendations on pickups and preamp / EQs for upright bass playing rockabilly. Hit me!
...Not the rockabilly plus set up with the transducer under the fingerboard. You don't need all that...
There is lots out there. Lots and lots.
First, I'd suggest spending some time at Gollihur Music's web presentation for Choosing Pickups for your Double Bass.
Then, I'd suggest taking a serious look at Vic's Pickups. Zac Victors is a RaB player and has designed these pickups from the ground up with RaB in mind, although they do equally well for other genre too.
Personally, I'm using a Vic's Model C (bridge and fingerboard) stereo piezo set, feeding into a K&K Dual Channel Pro ST, where I can EQ and blend the signals from both piezos; I have this setup to output into a mono signal. From there I split the signal so I can support both a personal monitor and FOH, etc. And I use wireless dongles so there are no cables attached to my DB.
For more sensitive volume situations and/or for more tone-critical situations (mostly roots music genre) I have attached a Sennheiser e 604 dynamic mic for a clear, untouched mic feed out to a FOH or to amps. When I want MBOL tone, that's what I use. I also use wireless dongles for this.
How are you attaching the e604 microphone? This looks like an affordable route, are there others that I should consider?
The e604 comes with a rubberized plastic clip mount intended for drums or for tuba use, but if you remove that mount you are left with the mic and its integral standard stand mount, and with a very nice metal knurled knob and bolt affair that screws into that mic stand mount. That bolt also happens to fit nicely through a standard tailpiece string hole which allows it to be mounted directly to the tailpiece. On my custom tailpiece there's also a special mounting plate with a hole in it, which is where I attach my e604. I have it pointing at the treble bridge foot where it seems to get a good sound for all the strings. I also have a wind muff on it because I frequently play outside. The e604 mic itself is extremely light (60gm).
DB mounted mics can be prone to feedback, but as I use the e604 primarily in sensitive volume situations, I have never had any feedback problems with it.
There are lots and lots of other DB mounted mic choices. I got my e604 after reading a review about them here in TB/DB (page 10), but other than with stand mics on stands or under the tailpiece, I've not tone-compared the e604 with much -- mainly because I didn't want to invest in a collection of other mounted DB mics that I might or might not use. But, the e604 works well with my amp and with FOH systems, it records well in the studio, it is a dynamic mic that is very easy to use with a variety of equipment, and it has a number of other very nice features.