I was curious what people think the value of SWR amps are these days. I think they are excellent amps. I have a SWR Baby Blue II Combo (1993) which has an all-tube preamp and it sounds pretty darn good! Someone offered me to trade for a Markbass NY 121 cab, which is one I've been eyeballing (on account of the portability + power, and I generally love MB stuff). I have an Aguilar Tone Hammer 350 I would use for it. Are SWR's considered more valuable at all after they got bought out by Fender in 2003? Certainly harder to find.... I believe the Baby Blue II was something like $1000+ in its heyday? I've been going back and forth on selling or trading it since I honestly have no idea of its value. And I know "value" is different for everybody, but I'm am mostly wondering if old SWR's are now considered more valuable than they were or if they're just kind of meh, dying out. Love to hear your thoughts.