vintage fender bass clean up advise


Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2009
Hi bass lovers . I just bought a 1969 fender jazz bass and after inspection found the neck pickup ,when removed has the foam underneath the pickup , is all like muddy and soft . I would like to know your advice on how to clean up this goo and then replace it with a new foam bottom ,but also don't want to hurt the value of the bass. Can someone give me some good advice Thanks
Least modification is to leave the old "foam" there and add a thinner new foam. I think neoprene gasket will do, but you can find a new foam as a 7ender spare part
Usually you take the goo cearfully away with some kind of scraper (old credit card or like) and (mild) solvent. Lighter fluid could work.
Be very careful with the pickup: it only takes one slip.
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Least modification is to leave the old "foam" there and add a thinner new foam. I think neoprene gasket will do, but you can find a new foam as a 7ender spare part
Usually you take the goo cearfully away with some kind of scraper (old credit card or like) and (mild) solvent. Lighter fluid could work.
Be very careful with the pickup: it only takes one slip.
Thanks good info
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