
Supporting Member
Jan 14, 2015
Hello all,

I’ve been considering downsizing and getting rid of my cab/amps and was wondering if anyone uses the Pike Amplification Vulcan XL as a DI at the end of their chain and if so, how is it? I’ve been wanting to get another dirt pedal (already have TAFM and SA multiwave bass distortion pro(which doesn’t get used as much as the TAFM)) and I’ve enjoyed the demos of the Vulcan much more than the Darkglass offerings (good in their own right, not for me).

I’m aware DI threads are a dime a dozen, but the ones I’ve read don’t mention the Vulcan so I was wondering how that stacks up. The only other pedal I’m considering for DI at the moment is the Tech 21 Q Strip so if anyone has any experience with both that would be even more helpful!
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