Warwick Adjust A Nut


Aug 4, 2015
i am in the process of building a bass and have been thinking about what nut to use.
i like to get the string action really low (without buzzing) and this seems like another tool to facilitate low action.
i like the idea of the warwick adjust a nut. is there a reason more bass manufactures don't use an adjustable nut?
aside from cost.
i am in the process of building a bass and have been thinking about what nut to use.
i like to get the string action really low (without buzzing) and this seems like another tool to facilitate low action.
i like the idea of the warwick adjust a nut. is there a reason more bass manufactures don't use an adjustable nut?
aside from cost.
There is only one nut height that is right for any given bass, regardless of string gauge, playing style, etc. etc. So what's the point of it being adjustable? I maintain that it's a gimmick and that's why other manufacturers don't use an adjustable nut.
There is only one nut height that is right for any given bass, regardless of string gauge, playing style, etc. etc. So what's the point of it being adjustable? I maintain that it's a gimmick and that's why other manufacturers don't use an adjustable nut.
Got one bass with just a nut and the other one with adjustable ABM.
Like it was said before adjustable nut is not the most useful feature after the initial setup.
But ABM is actually quite good if you're planning to experiment with different string gauges and don't want to mess with widening the nut slots (or don't want the strings to be too loose in them).
Different people have different nut height preferences. There is no one nut height that's right for everyone.
That said, adjustable nuts are basically pointless after you get an instrument set up correctly in the first place.