Warwick Pro-Tube amps


Has anyone tried these amps allready?
They are hybrid amps, but with a small (1 AX7 + 1 EL-84) tube power-amp build inside. The signal of the power tube is amplified by an additional MOSFET power amp.
There's 400 watt version, a 600 watt version and a 900 watt version.
I've never heard one before. Can somebody tell how they sound?

Originally posted by bigfoot:

I've tried the warwick amps several times, however my experiences have been varied. They look great!!!They also sound great giving a very raw sound.There are lots of variables to change giving a great variety of sounds, however if you want a great jazz tone this is not for you.
Only problem is build quality.Usually basses are fine, however I tried the 900 out in a store and couldn't get a sound.The shop assistant was puzzled and when he lifted it back into it's box, the sound of loose componants sliding around was heard.
If you can find a good one and its what you want.........