For about 2 years now I've been a proud owner of this particular bass

I'm looking to change the pickups, but as you can see, the original MEC vintage passive pickups have this kinda round shape, and also the "holes" in the body have this round shape.

To clarify, I do not have any kind of experience with replacing bass/guitar electronics. This is my very first own bass and I'd just like to upgrade it, since I love the way it plays.

So my question now is: Can replacing these pickups with for example MEC's MC-4 ( cause any problems solely because of their shape?
If I was to build in a typical MM-style pickup, there would be a gap in the body, right?

Or does anyone in general have any experience with changing pickups on a Warwick RB Streamer STD?

Thank you in advance, I'll gladly answer any questions if my descriptions were a little confusing.
I think those are Thunderbird style pickups but i may be wrong. Measure them and compare to these from EMG to be sure.

EMG Pickups / Thunderbird / Bass / Electric Guitar Pickups, Bass Guitar Pickups, Acoustic Guitar Pickups

I would advise against routing out the bass to make room for a new pickup, since you may want to sell it and keep the upgraded pickups at some point.

Most boutique pickup manufacturers like Nordstrand, Ulyate, Aero etc. will custom build a pickup housing for your specs, but Warwick rarely uses weird pickup shapes that cant be retrofitted.

I would also advise replacing the MEC preamp in there. As a thumb bass user myself, i love warwick basses but the MEC electronics leave a lot to be desired in my opinion.

For reference, I use a 94 thumb 6 string with a nordstrand 2 band preamp and aguilar pickups.