we lost our cat friend of 20 years :(


Supporting Member
Sep 20, 2011
Los Angeleez
yesterday - friday april 26 - our dear friend honeykat closed his eyes for the last time. he was over 20 years old, and has been with my husband since just before our relationship began.

i had trouble writing this as i found i kept writing about all his health issues and all the care and medications we've been dealing with, but that's not what i want to tell about him. so let's start early.

arie got HK from a neighbor when he was a kitten, and he was quite the character and very loving. their first hour together, arie and honeykat lay down for a nap together with lots of purring and petting, and the bond was formed. by the time i moved in, HK was up to all sorts of mischief. he loved playing fetch - we'd throw toy mice down the indoor, carpeted stairs, and he'd rush down to get them and bring them back, letting us know he wanted to go again!

one day he was playing, running around the living room, banked off a wall, then another wall, then off the window screen, which opened and he fell through the second story window. luckily he was fine, but did we have a scare! my husband had a few guppies in a bowl, and he had started putting them up on top of the kitchen cabinet - one i couldn't reach on a stoole. but HK found his way up there, knocked the bowl over and watched the fish flex with interest.

i could go on all day, but obviously there were almost two decades between those stories and last night. honeykat was very loving, a very people-oriented cat. he used to love to figure out how to open things - i used to call him houdinicat. he worked his way past child locks, figured out how to turn the loose bedroom doorknob and anything he could open, he would. for 8 of his years, he had a buddy and they ran and fought, played, groomed and slept together. but HK's first love was always daddy.

honeykat was always a very vocal cat. he would talk to us with inflections, and if we answered, he and we would enjoy a running conversation. also if we didn't know what he was saying, he'd let us know. for example, he'd come over to my desk and place a hand on my leg, which meant he wanted to sit on my lap.

five and a half years ago, he was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. we started giving him subcutaneous fluids, and his kidneys improved and stayed improved for years. then he developed IBS and hyperthyroidism. he was 15 or so. he's been on steroids, thyroid meds, lactated ringers solution, pepcid, an anti nausea med and so on. and in the last year and a half, his care became our life - that was okay, because we loved him. we dedicated ourselves to making him as happy and comfortable as possible. and he was very happy.

he was very picky and often nauseous, and at this point he was pretty underweight. he'd stand by the kitchen and give us loving looks and we'd feed him. flavor after flavor until he'd eat something. sometimes it would take 8 cans before we'd hit the flavor, but he was losing weight, so we were going through 20 to 25 cans a day, although once he found a flavor he wanted and ate some, he would make a circuit of the other plates he rejected and have a couple bites or more from each one. because of his IBS, he continued losing weight. he got weaker, so we got him an ottoman to jump on the bed and another for the couch.

three months ago, he started mostly staying on one side of the couch. he'd purr whenever we'd pet him, and he'd sometimes get down for food and water. i work in the livingroom, and he would chat with me. and mostly he had his spot, and we were fine with that. we'd come over and visit him, and he'd talk to us. he still purred, still would stand by the kitchen - or at that point, at any spot - and we'd feed him, where ever he was. he was no longer able to climb into the cat box, so we got an extra large dog kennel tray and filled it with litter. we were never away long. and he kept waking me up every night for petting and feeding. i haven't had a full night of sleep in years, and that was okay because i loved him.

a week ago last friday, HK couldn't walk. he had been to the vet recently and was put on potassium, which he loved because it had dessicated fish in it. he was half his healthy weight, but had been walking - not always steadily - and jumping onto the couch on his own. we thought "oh, no - this is it!" but oddly he started eating fiercely, put on some weight and on sunday was getting around on his own again. the next three days were a gift and we were so grateful. he needed a little help, but he was alert, engaged, eating and just as sweet as ever.

but thursday night, he stopped being able to walk and there's more stuff. he cried periodcally on friday early morning, so i stayed up with him, but he was uncomfortable and there was more going on, too. and on friday night, we called an at-home vet. after HK spent two hours on his daddy's lap purring as he was being petted, i gave him a final treat of fish juice with the potassium he loved, and the vet put him to sleep. it was quiet and gentle, HK was able to stay on his mat at home instead of going to an office, for which we're very grateful.

there's a hole in our lives that will never be altogether filled. but that's good, in a way. because it means that honeykat was not replaceable. in the past, i've had many cats and dogs, but i've never been as close to an animal as to HK nor has arie. his health problems and the time we spent taking care of him made our condo a hospital for a year and more - although we didn't notice at the time. but it made us more protective and closer to him.

he is so very missed and will always be loved.

We have a farm full of cast aways and misfits and saved adoptions-- cats-- dogs --goats-- pigs-- MANY variations of birds---MANY with special needs-- I work (2 jobs) my wifes the main care giver zoo keeper and critter wrangler --they all are special all are wonderful--
20 years -- what an amazing life you gave him.

I am very very sorry for your loss.
Thank you for sharing his story here. :)
So sorry to hear. It sounds like you gave him a great life and did everything you could for him until the end. We went through the same thing recently with our 17 year old. I know how much it hurts.
@pcake and arie, I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved Honeykat. At least you know that HE knew how much you both love him. I believe with all my heart that he’ll be waiting for you both at the Rainbow Bridge .

I lost my kitty-boy to illness about 7 years ago. I understand how you feel, because I can’t bear to have another kitty to this day. I still miss him a lot. He’s waiting for me on the Rainbow Bridge too.

Keep loving him.
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@pcake and arie, I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved Honeykat. At least you know that HE knew how much you both love him. I believe with all my heart that he’ll be waiting for you both at the Rainbow Bridge .

I lost my kitty-boy to illness about 7 years ago. I understand how you feel, because I can’t bear to have another kitty to this day. I still miss him a lot. He’s waiting for me on the Rainbow Bridge too.

Keep loving him.

that's exactly how we feel. this was from kinky friedman's book, "Elvis, Jesus and Coca Cola", and i cried when i read it.

On January 4, 1993, the cat in this book and the books that preceded it was put to sleep in Kerrville, Texas, by Dr. W.H. Hoegemeyer and myself. Cuddles was fourteen years old, a respectable age. She was as close to me as any human being I have ever known.

Cuddles and I spent many years together, both in New York, where I first found her as a little kitten on the street in Chinatown, and later on the ranch in Texas. She was always with me, on the table, on the bed, by the fireplace, beside the typewriter, on top of my suitcase when I returned from a trip.

I dug Cuddles' grave with a silver spade, in the little garden by the stream behind the old green trailer where both of us lived in the summertime. Her burial shroud was my old New York sweatshirt and in the grave with her is a can of tuna and a cigar.

A few days ago I received a sympathy note from Bill Hoegemeyer, the veterinarian. It opened with a verse by Irving Townsend: "We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle ...... "

Now, as I write this, on a gray winter day by the fireside, I can almost feel her light tread, moving from my head and my heart down through my fingertips to the keys of the typewriter People may surprise you with unexpected kindness. Dogs have a depth of loyalty that often we seem unworthy of. But the love of a cat is a blessing, a privilege in this world.

They say when you die and go to heaven all the dogs and cats you've ever had in your life come running to meet you.

Until that day, rest in peace, Cuddles.
So very sorry. :( We’ve lost dear old cats, a couple in my arms, and I know just what you say about a hole being there. We’ve kept things of theirs and new cats have wandered into our lives. It’s a basic tragedy that we outlive most of our pets, but you gave HK a long and much-loved life, and we can’t do better. Alas, we just can’t. Best wishes from here.
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So sorry to hear about your awesome Kitteh. I cried like a baby after we lost Maisy in 2015. That cat slept next to me for over 12 years. Suddenly, they're gone.

My 12 yr old dog Stella is having a tough time right now.

Why do we adopt pets? To love them of course, and to add some fun and meaning to our lives.

We treat them well, as best we can. It just hurts when they go.
When my cat Sarah died a couple years ago, I would start blubbering at home at random times for weeks. I got more sympathy cards and general well-wishing over Sarah than I did when my parents passed. Such is the power of the bond between pets and their human caretakers.

After about six months I decided it was time for another cat. I picked out a “senior” from the local shelter who had been surrendered by her owner. Her original name was Sporty, which I changed to Spooky. Spooky’s personality is completely different from Sarah in many ways. I love her just as much.
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