We need a new forum...

I was just thinking that we need a specific forum for luthiery specific to the electric bass. I know that the majority of this type of thread is pretty specialized but it would seperate those from the usual "String buzz" threads.

I am currently in the planning stages for a new bass project that will entail the design and production of the body on the computer. I will be using a sophisticated computerized router to make test blanks and eventually the final product. This way I can make a bass with features that aren't available anywhere else. This router would also allow me to make a body from nearly any material like acrylic (lucite), aluminum, or other exotic things. As the project progresses I will be posting updates. If things go well (VERY well) I might even begin producing some custom/one off shapes for folks that might like one. I don't know, there is a lot to do until that point.
Originally posted by Hambone
I was just thinking that we need a specific forum for luthiery specific to the electric bass. I know that the majority of this type of thread is pretty specialized but it would seperate those from the usual "String buzz" threads.

I am currently in the planning stages for a new bass project that will entail the design and production of the body on the computer. I will be using a sophisticated computerized router to make test blanks and eventually the final product. This way I can make a bass with features that aren't available anywhere else. This router would also allow me to make a body from nearly any material like acrylic (lucite), aluminum, or other exotic things. As the project progresses I will be posting updates. If things go well (VERY well) I might even begin producing some custom/one off shapes for folks that might like one. I don't know, there is a lot to do until that point.

Agreed. Keep us posted, Hambone.
I agree.

I've been building basses, mostly from combinations of various aftermarket parts, for about 10 years. Not much out there on the 'net for electric bass only discussion. MIMF, and the Crossroads page has a luthiery forum but it's mostly guitars.
I think thats a very good idea. It would decrowd the "basses" forum, because people wouldnt be asking about woods, and such. Have you conveyed your idea to Paul? He might just say to post in"miscellaneous" or "basses", but you might get it! I personally think itd be a great idea.
I hear you man...I love working on basses!!!
and guitars in general. I specalize in fretless basses...keep up the good work, by the way, did you ever see the warwick adjustable nut in stewart Mc donald. !!!!Amazing. I put two in basses any they are incredibly easy to work with...
Originally posted by top028
I hear you man...I love working on basses!!!
and guitars in general. I specalize in fretless basses...keep up the good work, by the way, did you ever see the warwick adjustable nut in stewart Mc donald. !!!!Amazing. I put two in basses any they are incredibly easy to work with...

The adjustable nut sounds interesting. I don't have it in my latest Stew Mac cat. either. How about a description? price etc. Is it made just for Warwick or is it pretty universal?

This is kinda off topic, but have any of you ever considered whether a removable overlay on the fretboard could be made to convert a fretted bass to frettless but be removable? I'm thinking something like Formica would be about the right thickness. Any ideas as to how the nut could be dealt with? What would work as a fastening method but not damage the fretboard? Good idea? Pipe dream? Opinions please. Especially you, Hambone, you seem to have some pretty good ideas. :)
Originally posted by pkr2
This is kinda off topic, but have any of you ever considered whether a removable overlay on the fretboard could be made to convert a fretted bass to frettless but be removable? I'm thinking something like Formica would be about the right thickness. Any ideas as to how the nut could be dealt with? What would work as a fastening method but not damage the fretboard? Good idea? Pipe dream? Opinions please. [/B]

Some time ago, a company produced a bass with a removable fingerboard. The fingerboards came in fretted and fretless and were made of steel (or backed with it) and held on by magnets. I can't remember the name of the company (I want to say Novatone, but I'm not sure).

At any rate, I'd want the nut to stay with the neck while the the f'boards were swapped. Then it wouldn't even be necessary to loosen the strings.

I'd also want the fretless board a little thicker than the fretted to maintain the setup and action.

I dont think Stew-mac sells the nut any more. I wish, because I need to get annother. I bought both of them last year. They have 3 sizes p-bass j-bass and a 5 string with j spacing. They look like a bar of brass with a small brass screw for each string. so, you can eaisily adjust the height if you change string gauges and any other problem that may arise.

this talk about a removable fretboard is very interesting. Some one should talk to warmoth. IMHO Warmoth necks are the best thing to happen to basses since fender. Perhaps that is a little strong, but I love my neck so much some thing has to be said. It is nearly weather proof humidity and other crap doesn't affect it.

[Edited by top028 on 08-17-2000 at 04:25 PM]
Originally posted by john turner
i tried to get a seperate forum for "Theory", but i never heard back from him either. he probably doesn't want any more forums, or maybe he just doesn't like me :D

I dont think he checks his email anymore. Ive sent him about 5 emails in the last month - month and a half. No response. Or he hates me too! :)
Rumblin' and pkr2 --

Yes, Novatone is the right name. I'd never have been able to remember it but I recognized it. I haven't seen anything from them since 6 or 7 years ago when I was actually switching two necks on one bass and called 'em up after seeing an ad.

The kink was that you had to SEND THEM YOUR BASS for a month or two. They'd cut it up and ship it back to you with as many fingerboards as you had bought. They had traditional fretted and fretless with varous woods, and even had a stainless-steel fingerboard that they said was real bright. (No kidding.) But the neat part was you could swap out the 'boards without even removing the strings.

They wanted more money than I had, so i never did anything. Never heard too much about anyone using these things, either. Doesn't seem you could get too solid a coupling of fingerboard to neck.

I'd be in favor of a luthiery forum. I've built a few basses, and find it almost as fun as playing. The MIMF is good, but I would prefer to have discussions with bassists. I have built three basses (2 semi-hollow), an electric guitar and an EUB, along with tons of mods and experiments. I always slice and dice every instrument I get.