Double Bass Well, He's no Steve, or Path...

Don Kasper

Gold Supporting Member
Dec 30, 2012
Los Angeles/Burbank, CA
I'm still reeling, having been triggered by the 2 recent Jazz Technique Threads - i.e., "Path Metheny....." and ".....Steve Vai...", so I'll just say that this Brazilian guitarist (Leo Amuedo ), sounds like he has INTERNALIZED many melodies, harmonies, and rhythms and is able to improvise and construct (?) one of the most Harmonically/Melodically/Rhythmically complex and beautiful solos that I have ever heard.
IMFO, of course.
(The YT begins at the second pass through the tune, for context. FYI.)
Having seen Pat M play live and up close many times over the last 40 years, I would say that if I did not read your post I would have said "that's Pat Metheny, no doubt".

Very good. They are both excellent IMHO.
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It’s a beautiful solo, no doubt, but I’ll still go with Larry Carlton’s solo in Kid Charlemagne by Steely Dan. Maybe it’s more jazz-rock than pure jazz, but it’s an incredibly expressive and melodic yet powerful solo, one that moves me in a way that a jazzy-jazz solo does not. Of course tastes vary, which is a good thing.
OK. Just a reminder that you have posted in the "Jazzy-Jazz" Technique DB Forum.

I said Carlton’s solo (which clearly has jazz elements to it) did more for me, because it spoke to me in a way that more vanilla jazz solos don’t. Carlton is a totally legit jazz player, and Steely Dan were as much legitimate jazz artists as anyone else. So it is relevant to this forum. And then I graciously noted that it’s a good thing we all have different tastes. I stated my preferences and accept your tastes, can’t we all coexist?

FWIW, no I didn’t realize I was posting to this forum, it just came up in my feed. But I still stand by all my points.
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a jazzy-jazz solo
Your initial statement above told me all I need to know about you regarding the YT guitar solo that I posted.
Also, Too - My post was not a solicitation for any opinions regarding the "best guitar solo...", it was offered in response to 2 prior DB Threads regarding studying/learning/hearing/playing the vocabulary of "jazzy-jazz", (which it appears you have not read.)
FYI - I've listened to, played, and loved Steely Dan for over 4 decades. LC is a wonderful, legendary guitarist. IMFO, of course.
Buh Bye.