What are your opinions on Rotosound flats and Rotosound nickel rounds?

I'm currently trying a set of the 66 Stainless Steel Rounds and I love them. I have them on my PJ bass and they help me get the low growly tone that I was striving for with that bass. The tension is great too, but they're definitely rough on my fingers. Other than that, I love them so far.
I was wondering if anyone had experience with their other two popular strings, the flats and nickel rounds.
I had avoided Rotosound strings on rumors suggesting that I wouldn't like them, but finally gave them a try. While admittedly a little rougher than other strings, I too have been enjoying Rotosound 66.

I have tried their 45-105 and 40-100 sets of flatwound strings. Both I thought sound very good. A brighter tone, closer to GHS Brite Flats than to Labella flats. I found the 45-105 set a little on the tense and rigid side, with the 40-100 more comparable in both tension and stiffness to 45-105 rounds.

I have a set of 45-105 66 nickels that I am planning to install on something soon. I've used a set in the past, and while I vaguely remember them fondly, I don't recall much specifics. I plan to pay closer attention this time.
A set of Roto 66 nickels accidentally went on my bass once when I told the luthier what strings I wanted when he set it up. I was pleasantly surprised. I loved the crisp warmth. It ended up opening a nickel rabbit hole for me, and I haven't used SS in years now.
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330 Ric 1.JPG I like the Roto flats quite a lot. And the 88 tapes, too. Their rounds? Uh...no. I'm not a big fan of round strings to begin with, and the Rotos? I don't know if they really eat frets on basses or not; but I know for a fact that their Pinks guitar strings ate the frets off this 330 Rick. The original owner said that's all he ever put on it, and the package for the set it was wearing was still in the case. 330's are notorious for small, soft frets, but..jeez. They were just...gone. To the point that the luthier who replaced them said he had the devil of a time finding enough fret to grab on to, to pull them out. So, Roto rounds for my basses? Not happenin'...:meh:
the Roto 66 nickle are very underrated, i have used them several times, they start of a bit bright but not overly, but settle in after well, then you get a great warm growl. they last quite well if cleaned regular and a bit longer if soaked in alcohol, usually get 8-12 weeks 40-50 hours good playing out of them before they need changing,