What is Michael Manring Up to These Days?


Supporting Member
May 9, 2006
Dallas, Texas
I am a big fan of Manring's solo work and many of his collaborative projects. I know he still tours a bit and does clinics but he hasn't put out a solo record in over 12 years and hasn't done much in the way of major collaborative projects (i.e., Attention Deficit). Maybe he is working on projects that I simply haven't heard about, teaching or producing.

Any idea why his production has dropped off? Bottom line is that I was listening to Thonk recently and I miss hearing new material from him. I know he is on TB so maybe he'll pop in.
It says on his home page that if you sign up he'll send you an email once a month letting you know what he's up to.

Michael Manring

Yes, it says "manthing" but that's his homepage. Go figure.

Cool, thanks. I signed up. I also checked out the facebook page. I'm more curious as to why he hasn't done much in the way of solo records and collaborations as a featured player in the last 10 years or so. There may not be a good answer.
It says on his home page that if you sign up he'll send you an email once a month letting you know what he's up to.

Michael Manring

Yes, it says "manthing" but that's his homepage. Go figure.
Halfway down the page it says:Subscribe to the Manring Email Newsletter.
Maybe you have a pop up blocker engaged.
Caught Michael at a show in Maryland last night. Phenomenal performance from a man I consider to be the last player to truly revolutionize how the electric bass can be played.

After trying to catch him over the past 20 years I couldn't believe it, I was sitting about 7 feet in from of him. He played several compositions including my personal favorite, The Enormous Room. He also took questions and shared some insights on technique and his time with Jaco. I spoke with him afterward briefly and took a photo with him. A true gentleman and a treasure to the bass playing community.