What MIDI controllable effects / amps are people using? Controller maker advice.

Chroma Coda

Commercial User
Nov 16, 2017
Poly Expressive / Chroma Coda
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--Threads may be created in order to solicit user input and opinions regarding a product in development. Any abuse of this exception will not be tolerated. Poly Expressive isn't out yet and I still need input!

I make a MIDI controller and I'm keen to find out what MIDI controlled effects and amps people are using and any issues they have with existing controllers. I mostly use Chase Bliss, Pigtronix and Positive Grid gear and DAWs.
Personally I’m currently using MIDI to control an Eventide H9 Max and, for iOS, ToneStack Go and Loopy HD. Most pedals that use MIDI go along with pretty standard protocols- the real differences will be if you’re going to target users of products like the Axe FX and Helix, where the inclusion of sending IA/stompbox messages within presets is necessary.
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Cool, We've tested with Helix and Bias Amp / FX already, and Axe FX / Kemper uses were really interested at Summer NAMM so they are a big focus. I haven't got any friends with a Kemper though so I'll have to try and hunt one down.

I've never heard of ToneStack Go, thanks for the info. I'll have to check out more of the iOS stuff. Loopy is great though.