I've been a guitar player most of my life, but four years ago I picked up a fretless american deluxe jazz bass since we needed a bass player to round out a new band, so I've pretty much just considered myself a guitar player that plays bass. However, in the past month I have found myself bored at work looking through craigslist for basses not guitars ( I have the GAS pretty bad) and came across a Music Man stingray 4 string HH that I just had to have. Nothing new there; I see gear all time that I never knew existed a week ago that I suddenly can't live without, but this was the first time I caught myself lusting after a bass. After setting up a meeting to check it out it dawned on me that I was thinking of myself as a bass player. Anybody else have a moment like that where you suddenly realized that you had assumed a new musical identity and what prompted it?