Where do I start for Arduino PCB design?


Oct 26, 2017
Hi, looking for resources on how to start taking my creations to the next level.

Where I'm at:

  • I'm a software developer nerd with limited hardware design experience
  • Comfortable creating stuff with the Arduino Duelimanove / Uno pre-fab boards w/ breadboards, project boxes, and lots of tape and zip ties
Where I want to go:

  • Turn a "breadboard" solution into a custom, non-ghetto PCB
  • Integrate Arduino / Netduino chips into designs
  • Being a software guy, I don't really have a desire to make PCB's by hand with the newer "design in computer and have it shipped to you" model
  • Have designs made in very small quantities (1 at a time, maybe 5 at a time max)
In my google-ing so far, I've tried looking for an outsourced PCB manufacturer that might have an Arduino template component that I can drop on a virtual PCB board and start messing around, but haven't found anything. I assume there are some specific measurements that would allow me to create my own component, but no idea what they are called to search for them.

Any recommendations here would be appreciated on vendors, software, concepts I need to educate myself on, and such.