"who'd have thought it" is right...


MId-Century Modern
Jun 18, 2013
Yucca Valley/Joshua Tree
The Cure's Set At Glastonbury Increase Guitar Sales - Rock My World

No reports yet on chorus pedals and black nail polish...
It's great to see that a 60 year-old tubby guy with fright wig hair and eyeliner could still inspire the yutes of Great Britain. Actually, kudos to Reeves Gabrels, whatever hand he had in this happening. While he's a bit overqualified for that band(nothing wrong with that...hey, a gig's a gig)he has certainly been a bit overlooked in the realm of adventurous guitar playing. He's up there with Fripp, Belew, Frith, Torn, Cline, Ribot, and others of that ilk.
Saw Reeves many many many years ago on a GQ special that aired on VH-1. Bowie was in top form that night. The sounds Gabrels coaxed from that Parker Fly had guys saying,, "you hear that???". He isn't underrated though IMO.