Why Do People Sell " The Best Bass They Ever Played" So Often?

I'm partially convinced that most TB members are looking for that magic bass that will allow them to recognizably play "YYZ" without any practice, effort, or sweat equity of any kind. One they figure out that the bass they have now won't do that, they'll say anything to move it to fund the one that they are sure WILL make "YYZ" happen. Then, they find out that bass won't help either. Lather, rinse, repeat.
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Read that all the time here...

IMHO #1 reason: The newness wore off.

I have several awesome amps. The first time I plug in I am often amazed at how good an amp sounds. But over a few days I get bored and start nitpicking little nuances about the sound that I don't like; so, I rotate in another amp: Wow sounds and feels amazing!

I don't really aim for a particular sound as I believe optimum voicing and feel varies by song. I apply the same philosophy to basses and speakers. Achieving the right sound/feel for a given tune may involve a specific bass, amp, speaker combination or may be achieved with a specific bass and DI.

This illustrates one possible problem with a strict 1 in 1 out buying/selling practice. Unless you are breaking even on all transactions or, better yet, earning a profit; you might be better in the long run to keep a variety of basses, amps, speakers so you can satisfy your need for change. Probably still a good idea to cull from the heard every now and then, but if you are in no hurry you can often get a better return on your investment. YMMV.