Will the pandamidi midibeam4 work with the Boss sy-200?

Recently bought a FI v3 so I could stop bringing my original DI around. I couldn't pass up on the current sale price.

I am very intrigued with adding a midibeam4 controller for expression pedal and extra control buttons.

My question is, will I get the same functionality using the midibeam4 with the Boss as I would with the FI. Mainly expression pedal and two extra control pedals (even though already exp/ctrl Jack on boss pedal. I'd like more!)

I assume I'd need a two switch box with polarity switching since the FI and the Boss are probably opposite.

Also, while I have your attention, besides polyphony what am I losing out in getting the FI over the sy-200? Ambient sounds basically? I am sure I will eventually have both, but due to the sale I went FI first. I feel like I am missing out on some weirdness nit getting the Boss but it wouldn't have the mwah fatness of the FI

Hope this isn't too much to ask on a first post.
I don't have the SY-200, but I have the FI and the SY-300. Very different animals. Polyphonic vs. monophonic is definitely the biggest difference, the FI is very fat with great tracking. The SY-300 isn't quite the same, there are really interesting sounds but I think it's really focused more for guitar than for bass. Ambient it's great. I wouldn't say there's no fatness, you just really have to find it and tweak it. It won't be in most of the presets. The SY-300 really had a lot more options than the FI as far as effects, modulation, etc. as well, although the FI's updated firmware has expanded that I would say.

I don't know much about the MIDI Beam but consider it is a Panda product I'm positive it will work with the FI. As far as what you want to do with it, I think I'm a little confused by what you are trying to do.
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